Page 11 - Shimadzu SALD-7500nano
P. 11

System Structure

 Easy Measurement under PC Control  Measurement Samples without Dilution
 Sampler SALD-MS75  High-Concentration Measurement Unit: SALD-HC75

 Groups of particles are dispersed in a liquid medium and measured   High-concentration samples can be measured using the laser diffraction method.
 as they are circulated between the flow cell, which is placed in the
 measurement unit, and a dispersion bath in the sampler.  Measurement is possible by simply holding the high-concentration sample particles to be measured between two glass slides.
 The dispersion bath incorporates a stirrer and an ultrasonic sonicator.   Samples for which the particle size distribution would be changed by dilution can be measured in their original state, or with the minimum required
 A pump delivers  the dispersed suspension to the flow cell.  level of dilution, and a true image of the measurement object can be obtained.
 The pump is specially designed to ensure both liquid medium and the   Commercial hand creams, face creams, and rinses can be measured with hardly any pretreatment.
 particles are circulated.
 It can be controlled from a PC.
                Flow Cell or Batch Cell    Glass plates (Glass sides)
 Most organic solvents can be used as dispersion media.
 Solvent Resistance
 Solvent   Solvent Resistance  Solvent   Solvent Resistance  Solvent   Solvent Resistance  Measurement unit  Wing sensor II
 Flow cell                                                      (Forward Scattered Light)
 Acetone  Applicable* note2  Xylene  Applicable* note2  Isoplopyl Alcohol  Applicable   Side scattered  Laser Light  Diffracted/scattered light
 light sensor                      Multiple Scattering
 Isopropyl Alcohol  Applicable  Cyclohexane  Applicable* note2  Hexane  Applicable   Laser Light
 Ethyl Alcohol  Applicable  Cyclobenzene  Applicable* note2  Benzene  Applicable* note2
 Laser light source
 Ethylene Glycol  Applicable  Toluene  Applicable* note2  Methyl Alcohol  Applicable   Backward scattered  Condensing lens
 light sensor                              Side /
 Note1  Solvent resistance toward materials used in the passageways of SALD-MS75. Solvent resistance values are representative, and are not certified.  back scattered light  Light path
 Note2  Only applicable for liquid pump. Not applicable for liquid supply pump.  Dispersion  Motor  Optical Path Length
 Note3  Ultrasonic cleaning instruments are needed for the measurement of reference sample.
 Measurement data  Dispersion medium
 supply pump
 Q3(%)  Q3(%)  q3(%)  If a standard flow cell or batch cell is used to measure a sample at   high-concentration sample particles between two glass slides,
 100  100  100  10
            a high concentration, the long light pathlength results in multiple   which shortens the length of the light paths, avoids the negative
 Dispersion bath  scattering, making it difficult to obtain accurate measurements.   effects of multiple scattering and makes accurate measurement
 Normalized Particle Amount (Cum)  60 40  60 40     Normalized Particle Amount (Cum)  60 40  6 4 Normalized Particle Amount (Diff)  Circulation  Drain valve  With this system, however, it is possible to hold the   possible.
 Ultrasonic sonicator
 0  0  500 0
 0.01  0.05  0.1  0.5  1  5  10  50  100  500 0  0.01  0.05  0.1  0.5  1  5  10  50  100  Glass sample plates (glass with indentation) (Option)
 Particle Diameter (µm)  Particle Diameter (µm)
 Variety of small and large sample particles  Carbon nano tube  Effective for measuring samples with relatively low concentrations, or expensive samples that can only be used in small amounts.
                 P/N        Name         Indentation depth  Number  Sample volume  Particle concentration (% by weght)  External Shape  Round Indentation
 Ideal for Measurement with Small Amounts of Organic Solvent  346-62295-01  Glass sample plate (0.1 mm)  0.1 mm (100 µm)  10  0.03 cm 3
              346-62295-02  Glass sample plate (0.2 mm)  0.2 mm (200 µm)  10  0.06 cm 3
 Batch Cell SALD-BC75  346-62295-03  Glass sample plate (0.3 mm)  0.3 mm (300 µm)  10  0.09 cm 3  A few hundred ppm
              346-62295-04  Glass sample plate (0.4 mm)  0.4 mm (400 µm)  10  0.12 cm 3  to a few percent  Indentation Depth
 Measurement is possible with a small amount of sample (i.e., measured                                    Cross
 Funnel  particles) and liquid medium (i.e., dispersion medium).  346-62295-05  Glass sample plate (0.5 mm)  0.5 mm (500 µm)  10  0.15 cm 3  Section
                                                                                                   Glass Sample Plate
              346-62295-06  Glass sample plate (0.05 mm)  0.05 mm (50 µm)  10  0.015 cm 3        (glass slide with indentation)
 The capacity of the batch cell is only 5 cm  so waste treatment for the   347-60002  Glass sample plate set  0.05 to 0.5 mm, two each  12 in total
 suspension canbe performed with relatively small amounts.                                    Application Example (depression cell)
                                                                                                          Glass Slide
 Laser beam  Batch cell  The vertical motions of the stirring plate prevent sedimentation of the particles.  Glass Sample
 The funnel reduces the possibility of sample spillage.                                          Sample
 Stroke of    Measurement Data
 vertical motion  A tetrafluoroethylene resin funnel is provided to reduce the possibility
 of suspension getting on the hands of the user. It also prevents the cell   Q3(%)  q3(%)  Q3(%)   q3(%)
                   100                                   20    100                                   20
 surface from becoming dirty.
 Measurement data  Stirring plate
                   80                                           80
 Q3(%)    q3(%)  Q3(%)  q3(%)                            15                                          15
 100  100  100  20  60                                          60
 80  80  80       Normalized Particle Amount (Cum)       10 Normalized Particle Amount (Diff)  Normalized Particle Amount (Cum)  10 Normalized Particle Amount (Diff)
 15                40                                           40
 Normalized Particle Amount (Cum)  60 40  60 40    Normalized Particle Amount (Diff)  Normalized Particle Amount (Cum)  60 40  10 Normalized Particle Amount (Diff)  20  5  20  5
 20  20  20  5     0 0.01  0.05  0.1  0.5  1 Particle Diameter (µm)  5  10  50  100  500 0  0 0.01  0.05  0.1  0.5  1  Particle Diameter (µm) 5  10  50  100  500 0
                                    Latex                                         Wax
 0  0  0  0
 0.01  0.05  0.1  0.5  1  5  10  50  100  500  0.01  0.05  0.1  0.5  1  5  10  50  100  500
 Particle Diameter (µm)     Particle Diameter (µm)
 Polystyrene Latex (20 nm, 30 nm, 50 nm)  Silica particle
 10                                                                                                Nano Particle Size Analyzer  11
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