Page 16 - Shimadzu SALD-7500nano
P. 16


            Aggregation Analysis System for Biopharmaceuticals                                                         SALD-7500nano
            Aggregates Sizer

            The Aggregation Analysis System for Biopharmaceuticals is created by adding a
            special option to the SALD-7500nano Nano Particle Size Analyzer. It permits the
            quantitative evaluation of sub-visible particles (SVP) in the sub-visible region
            (100 nm to 10 µm). Despite the ability of sub-visible particles (SVP) to cause                                               Nano Particle Size Analyzer
            fatal side effects in humans, such as anaphylaxis, they have been little studied                                             SALD-7500nano
            and no analytical method has been established for them. This system offers the
            following three features.

             1  Quantitatively evaluates SVP range aggregate concentrations
               The Aggregates Sizer is able to measure aggregates of a wide range of particles sizes, from 7 nm to 800 µm, as part of a particle size distribution
               (displayed with particle quantities totaling 100 %). Furthermore, aggregate concentrations in the SVP (sub-visible particle) range, from 100 nm to
               10 µm, can be evaluated quantitatively (in terms of µg/mL or number/mL).

                                           Evaluation range of particle size: 40 nm to 20 µm
                                            Concentration display range: 40 nm to 20 µm

             2  Measures aggregates with high sensitivity
               The Aggregates Sizer is over ten times more sensitive than Shimadzu's previous SALD series (SALD-7100) particle size analyzers. This means that even
               micro sample quantities can be measured accurately using disposable cells for 0.4 mL sample quantities.

             3  Quantitatively evaluates aggregation processes at intervals as short as one second
               Changes (sizes and quantities) in aggregates can be confirmed quantitatively as a concentration (unit: µg/mL) at intervals as short as one second.
               This allows observing the status at various intermediate stages, not just at two stages, before and after such changes, which allows evaluating rates of
               change. Using a batch cell (5 mL sample capacity), aggregation processes can be observed as samples are mechanically stimulated.

             4  Evaluates effect of temperature on aggregation process
               Aggregates Sizer TC temperature control system can evaluate protein aggregates under a constant temperature (20 °C to 42 °C). It enables the
               evaluation of protein aggregation depending on the temperature.

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                                                                                               Printed in Japan 3655-07501-15AIK
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