Page 5 - Shimadzu SALD-7500nano
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Features of SALD-7500nano

 Single detection face continuously captures forward-scattered light up to a 60° angle  Laser diffraction method ISO 13320 and JIS Z 8825-1 compliant

 The target particle size range is seamlessly covered using a single   Tke SALD-7500nano complies with ISO 13320 and JIS Z 8825-1 laser diffraction and scattering standards.
 Side / back scattered  measurement principle, single optical system, and single light
 light sensor
 60°  source. Additionally, because the SALD-7500nano does not
 incorporate multiple optical systems that create discontinuities in
 the data, accurate particle size distribution measurements are   Validation possible with JIS standard particles
 possible across the entire measurement range using a single
 standard. The application of the SLIT* optical system, based on
 semiconductor laser  Wing sensor ll  System performances can be confirmed using a MBP1-10 standard particle specified in JIS Z 8900-1. These samples have a broad particle
 Wing sensor ll  sophisticated scattered light intensity tracing technology, smashes
 Cell  conventional wisdom to continuously capture forward-scattered   size distribution, which is specified by the JIS standard. Using these samples allows verifying that the instrument is always accurate.
 Condenser lens  light at up to a wide 60° angle on a single detector face. This
 achieves high resolution in the fine particle region.
 SLIT optical system  *SLIT (Scattered Light Intensity Trace)
               Allows verifying the validity of measurement results by referencing light intensity distribution data

 High-Resolution/High-Sensitivity Wing Sensor ll
            Since light intensity distribution data (raw data) and
            measurement results (particle size distribution data) can be
 High-Resolution/High-Sensitivity Wing Sensor ll  displayed on the same screen, measurement results can be
 forward diffracted/scattered light is detected by a “wing sensor ll”,   verified while viewing both data sets. This allows users to verify
 a 78-element sensor developed using semiconductor   whether the detection signal level (particle concentration) is
 manufacturing technology of the highest level.   appropriate, and to confirm the validity of measurement results
 This sensor can detect greatly fluctuating small-angle forward   from multiple aspects, such as in terms of the distribution width
 scattering light with a high level of resolution and wide-angle   and the presence of aggregates and contaminants.
 scattering light of a low optical intensity with a high level of
 sensitivity. Also, side scattered light is detected by 1 sensor
 element and back scattered light is detected by 5 sensor
 elements. Accurately capturing light intensity distribution
 patterns with a total of 84 sensor elements enables the
 high-resolution, high-precision measurement of particle size
 distributions over a wide particle diameter range.
               Wide application applicability

 More Stable Optical System  The system configuration can be optimized to address various uses, purposes, measurement objects, environments and conditions.

 The Omnidirectional Shock Absorption Frame (OSAF) fully isolates all elements of the optical system from shocks and vibrations.   SALD-MS75   Wet measurement system
 This eliminates concerns about adjusting the optical axis.   Sampler Unit      *The standard model for dispersion
                                                                                  measurement in liquids.
                                                                                *Strong circulation power can
                                                                                  circulate high density particles up
                                                                                  to 800 um
                                                                                *Ultrasonic sonicator is included as standard.
 Built-in Self-Diagnostic Functions Ensure Easy Maintenance
                         WingSALD ll  Measurement Unit (Optical System)  SALD-BC75
 These analyzers incorporate powerful self-diagnostic functions.   PC Set  Batch Cell  Small-Volume Measurement System
                                                                                *Small volume of 5 mL can be selected,
 The output signals sent by the sensors and detecting elements                  *Organic solvent or acid can be used
                                                                                  as a dispersion medium.
 and the instrument operating status can be checked, facilitating               *Stirring functions for suppressing particle
 easier maintenance. Using the Operation Log function, detailed                   precipitation controlled by PC is available.
 information about, for example, the instrument usage status and
 contamination of the cells is included with all the measurement
 data, making it is possible to investigate the validity of   SALD-HC75         High-Concentration Measurement System
 measurement data obtained in the past.                     High-concentration  * Undiluted high-concentration samples
                                                            Measurement            up to 20 wt% sandwiched between
                                                            Unit                   glass slides can be measured directly.
                                                                                Ultra Small-Volume Measurement System
                                                                                * Optical special glass slides with an
                                                                                   indentation permit measurements down
                                                                                   to 15-microliter samples.
 4                                                                                                 Nano Particle Size Analyzer  5
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