Page 12 - Shimadzu Nexera Prep
P. 12
Increased Efficiency from Preparative
Analysis Setup to Data Processing
Open Solution Software for Preparative Systems
Open Solution is open access software that not only streamlines preparative purification operations, but also supports multi-user
operation of preparative systems. Even inexperienced users can perform routine preparative operations easily with minimal efforts.
The use of a network contributes to improved work efficiency.
Easy Operation, Screening Using Multiple Conditions
After logging into Open Solution, analysis can be started from a single screen by simply selecting a pre-registered method and
registering a sample. Screening analysis can be easily performed with the same procedure. While the system is performing an
analysis, a different user can schedule the next analysis.
Open Solution software will automatically include washing steps between different user methods, reducing the system downtime.
Step 1 Step 3
Step 2
Step 4
Step 1. login Step 2. Register samples
Step 3. Select method (Screening is also available for condition study)
Step 4. Start analysis
Confirmation of Fractionation and Re-injection Analysis
By selecting the vial displayed in the
fraction collector diagram, the UV chromatogram
chromatogram, mass spectrum, and UV
spectrum of that fraction can be easily
confirmed. From the same screen, it is
possible to directly check the purity of MS chromatogram
the fraction.
Fraction collector
MS spectrum,
UV spectrum
Fraction purity check