Page 7 - Shimadzu GC-8A
P. 7

Electron Capture Detector (GC-8AIE)

            Linear ECD with high sensitivity and wide dynamic range
            The constant-current ECD maintains a constant current flow in
            the detector. It offers excellent performance of a linear dynamic             63 Ni source
            range of 10,000 and 0.2 pg (Υ-BHC) minimum limit of detection,
            and greatly restricts peak abnormalities such as negative peaks.              Purge gas
            Switchable detector current
                                                                                       Carrier gas
            The standing current flowing in the detector can be switched in      Fig. 10 ECD Cell
            three stages for convenient analysis of samples across a wide
            concentration range.

            Comprehensive contamination countermeasures                     Chloroform 7.5ppb
            The system features a programmed heating system to prevent      Dichlorobromomethane
            detector contamination (column oven heating starts only after
            the detector reaches the set temperature) and a purge system
            to maintain carrier gas purging and keep the detector in                          1,1,2-trichloroethane
                                                                                    1,1,1-     Tetrachloroethylene
            standby status even when the detector is not being used for             trichloroethane  1,1,1,2-
                                                                            Chlorodibromomethane   tetrachloroethane
            analysis.                                                       2ppb     Chloroform
            Purge flow line reduces stabilization time
            The purge flow line allows purging of the interior of the     Fig. 11 Chromatogram of Trihalomethane
            detector by carrier gas when the detector remains mounted in
            the gas chromatograph but is not used.
            This prevents oxidation by oxygen in the air and ensures stable
                                                                                      Electrode for FID monitor (option)
            operation the next time the detector is used.                               Cooling fan
                                                                     Quartz cylinder
            Flame Photometric Detector (GC-8APFp)
                                                                                          Interference filter
            Flame                                                     Quartz tube        Quartz window
            The FPD cell is designed so that the flame will not be           H2
            extinguished by a solvent overload.
            FID monitor electrode                                                   Carrier gas
                                                                                 Fig. 12 FPD Cell
            The FID monitor electrode in the detector permits extraction of
            the FID signal.
            *Requires the FID monitor kit (Special Accessory: P/N 221-23950-91)
                                                                                            Methyl parathion (20ng)
            Forced cooling system
                                                                                             Ethyl parathion (20ng)
            To ensure a low noise level and long service life, the
            photomultiplier tube is kept cool by a blower when the
            detector is maintained at a high temperature.                   (2ng)
                                                                                                EPN (20ng)
            Complete safety                                                                          FID monitor
            The photomultiplier tube is protected against damage from
            exposure to high light levels by a sensing circuit which cuts
                                                                   Fig. 13 Analysis of Trace Thiophene   Fig. 14 Analysis of Organophosphorus
            power to the tube if anomalous conditions are detected.    in Benzene (S mode)   Pesticides (P-mode)

                                                                                                   GC-8A Series
                                                                                                       Gas Chromatograph  7
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