Page 22 - EDX-7200
P. 22

Screening Analysis Kits  (Option)

            Automatic Measurement Time Reduction
            This function automatically switches to the next analysis channel if a   Concentration
            controlled substance clearly has a high or low concentration, making
            evaluation possible while measurement is underway. This achieves
                                                                        Above control standard
            more efficient screening analysis.

                   Clearly above the control standard, so measurement is cut off.
                   Clearly in the gray zone, so measurement is cut off.  Standard value  Gray zone
                   Clearly below the control standard, so measurement is cut off.

            By improving the count rate, the screening accuracy has been improved
                                                                                         Below control standard
            with the same measurement time as conventional equipment.
            In addition, the software reduces the time that was unconditionally
            measured until the time set in the gray zone.
                             EDX-720          EDX-7200                EDX-720         EDX-7200
                    Content                                  Content
                                          Eliminates the need for precise chemical analysis  Cost reduction!
                             Gray zone 3М                                                NG
                                             Gray zone 3М
                  standard   Gray zone        Gray zone              Gray zone 3М
                                                                                      Gray zone 3М
                                             Gray zone 3М
                             Gray zone 3М                                                          Control
                                          Eliminates the need for precise chemical analysis Cost reduction!  Varies widely  Gray zone  Gray zone  standard
                               OK                                                     Gray zone 3М
                                                                     Gray zone 3М        OK       OK decision becomes
                                                                                                  possible to reduce costs
                             High precision reduces gray zone width  Can be evaluated at lower concentration threshold
                                                     Time-saving function diagram

            Screening Simple Setup Screen
            Threshold Values
            A threshold value can be set for each material and element. The screening
            evaluation method changes according to how the threshold values are set.
            Evaluation Character String
            Character strings can be set for display in the analysis results when the
            threshold value is not exceeded, in the gray zone, and when the threshold
            value is exceeded.

            Report Template
            Set the report style from among the templates supplied as standard.
                                                                        Simple Setup Screen of RoHS Screening Analysis Kit

      22                                                                                                                                                                                                            Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
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