Page 17 - EDX-7200
P. 17

Foreign Matter Material Evaluationɹ−Foreign Matter Adhering to Plastic Extruded Part−
            EDX permits non-destructive elemental testing, making it effective for the analysis of foreign matter adhering to or mixed in with foods, drugs,
            or products. Using the sample observation camera and collimators makes it easy to identify trace foreign matter.
            The 1 mm irradiation diameter is effective at reducing the effects of peripheral material, resulting in accurate quantitative matching. In the
            example, the material was identified as SUS316.

                                        Foreign matter

                            Normal position
                                                         Overlaid Pro les of Foreign Matter (Red) and Normal Position (Blue)
                            Sample Appearance

                                                   Quantitative Analysis Results for Foreign
                                                   Matter by FP Method
                                                   The titanium (Ti) and zinc (Zn) peripheral
                                                   material around the foreign matter are
                                                   eliminated from the quantitation
                                                                                       Matching Results
                                                                                  (Matching results in internal library.
                                                                                   Substance identi ed as SUS316.)

            Residual Catalystɹ−Analysis using Scattered Radiation Correction−
            EDX is also useful for testing residual catalysts. For quantitative analysis of residual catalysts during organic synthesis, ICP analysis is often used.
            However, pretreatment is cumbersome and it takes time to obtain results. EDX makes quantitative analysis easy.
            The following is an example of quantitative analysis of Pd in organic matter (cellulose) using a calibration curve prepared with a standard Pd
            aqueous solution. By using the standard correction in the scattering line, the difference between the material of water and cellulose is
            corrected. Furthermore, the quantitative result is equivalent to the case of the sufficient quantity even if the sample quantity is small.

                                            Suf cient amount (3.0 g)  Small amount (0.5 g)
                                                Appearance of cellulose powder sample
                                                    (using sample container)
                                                 Results of Quantitative Analysis of
                                                     Pd in Cellulose Powder  [ppm]
                                            4BNQMF BNPVOU     Pd       3М
                                            4VGGJDJFOU BNPVOU      H   21.2  1.0
                  Calibration Curve of Pd Prepared                            Pro le Superposition of Pd on Cellulose Powders
                  with Standard Aqueous Solution   4NBMM BNPVOU      H   21.4  1.4  with Different Sample Amounts

                                                                                          Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer  17
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