Page 19 - EDX-7200
P. 19

ʔThickness and Composition Measurement of Electroless Ni-P Plating Filmsʔ
            The thin-film FP method can be used to measure the thickness of multilayer films or simultaneously quantify the thickness and composition of films.
            The following shows an example of quantifying the 4.8  m thickness of a plating film and the concentration of its principal components Ni and P.
            Trace quantities of Pb were also detected.

                 Cu substrate

                  Ni, P, Pb
            Primary     Fluorescent
            X-rays        X-rays

                Image of Sample  Left: Base copper   Right: Plating

                                                                    Ni, P, and Pb Peak Profiles
            Quantitative Analysis Results Using the
            Thin-Film FP Method
            The thin-film FP method requires specifying the base material of the substrate
            and other layers, and the layer sequence and element information for the film.

            Plating, Thin FilmsɹʔThickness Measurement of Plating on Irregular Shaped Sampleʔ
            EDX performs measurement of plating thickness without any standard sample using the thin-film FP method. However, quantitative errors can
            increase in irregular-shaped samples because the thin-film FP method assumes samples have a flat surface condition. New features with the
            background FP method enable measurement of plating thickness with less error in irregular-shaped samples, such as a shaft portion of the
            screw. An example of the thickness measurement of galvanized screws is shown below.

                    Top of Screw
               (Measurement at 1 mm dia.)

                    Side of Screw
               (Measurement at 10 mm dia.                   Peak Profile of Zn and Scattered X-rays

                                                          Thickness Measurement Result of Galvanizing
                                       Measurement Position  Top of Screw     Side of Screw    Side of Screw
                                            Beam size        1 mm dia.        10 mm dia.        10 mm dia.
                The sensitivity coefficient is   Calculation Method  Thin-film FP Method  Thin-film FP Method  Background FP Method
                set by pure zinc bulk sample.
                                        Measurement Result    4.08  m          0.96  m           4.29  m
                                             (Results for both the side and top of the screw were obtained using the background FP method.)

                                                                                          Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer  19
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