Page 16 - EDX-7200
P. 16

Comprehensive Applications

            Powder (Fine particles and coarse particles)ɹ−Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Rock−
            The analysis of powder samples is a typical application of X-ray fluorescence. The sample is either pressure molded or placed in a sample
            container for analysis. The figure below shows an example of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of rock reference material by Na to U.
            Accurate quantification is possible even without a standard sample. Light elements can also be measured with high sensitivity by vacuum
            atmosphere measurement.

                                                   Peak Pro le of Rock Reference Material

                                                 Results of quantitative analysis by FP method and comparison of standard values  [wt%]

                                        Element    4J0   "M 0   , 0  /B 0  $B0  'F 0   .H0  5J0   1 0   .O0
                                        Quantitative value
                                        Standard Value
                  Sample appearance
                  (Pressure molding with a total
                  pressure of 250 kN for 30 sec)
            Liquid, Slurry and Emulsionɹ−Heavy Elements in Waste Oil−
            To measure a liquid sample, simply add it to a sample cell with film on the bottom. This method is effective for the detection and quantitation
            of additive components and worn metals in aqueous solutions, organic solvents, or oils.
            As shown below, the system achieves adequate detection of heavy elements in waste oil at ppm levels.

                                                                          Waste oil standard sample (50 ppm each element)
                                                                          Waste oil standard sample (10 ppm each element)
                                                                          Waste oil standard sample (30 ppm each element)
                                                                          Blank sample

                 Sample Appearance
                 (Sample cell,  lm, 5 mL oil)                         Overlaid Pro les of Heavy Elements in Waste Oil

      16                                                                                                                                                                                                            Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
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