Page 21 - EDX-7200
P. 21

Screening Analysis Kits  (Option)

            Ideal for RoHS, ELV, and Halogen Screening
            The optional screening analysis kits allow even beginners to start RoHS, halogen, or antimony screening analysis right from the day of purchase.
            Simply mount the sample, select the analysis conditions, enter the sample name, and wait for the results. The analysis results are displayed with
            a pass/fail evaluation after just a few minutes. RoHS extended elements (P, Cl, Sn, Sb) are also supported by the optional RoHS enhanced
            screening kits, and ease of use has been improved with a more accurate threshold evaluation.

                              Analytical results window using the RoHS, Halogen and Antimony screening kit

            Internal Calibration Curves and Automatic Calibration Curve Selection

            Internal calibration curves                                                                   PE
            Internal calibration curves are provided for many materials, making it
            unnecessary to provide a large number of standard samples.     1.2
            Automatic calibration curve selection                          1.0                            PVC
            The software automatically selects the best calibration curve for the material,   Measured intensity ratio  0.8   Aluminum
            freeing the user from the need to select analysis conditions.   0.6
            As an incorrect calibration curve selection can result in a large error in the                Steel
            quantitation results, this function contributes to more reliable data.  0.4                   Brass
            Shape correction                                                                              Solder
            The fluorescent X-ray and scattered X-ray intensities are compared for each   0.0   0.0   20.0   40.0   60.0   80.0   100.0
            element (BG internal standard method) to eliminate the effects of the sample   Standard valueʢppmʣ
            shape and thickness in the quantitation values.

                                                                                          Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer  21
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