Page 27 - EDX-7200
P. 27

Speci cations

             Measurement principle  X-ray  uorescence spectrometry  Installation Example
             Measurement method  Energy dispersion
                                                                       429                    249   Units: mm
             Target samples   Solids, liquids, powders
             Measuring range  11Na to 92U (EDX-7200)                         Rotary pump           Switch box
             Sample size      W 300 × D 275 × approx.H 100 mm (excluding radiuses)  158  160
             Maximum sample mass  5kg (200g per sample when using turret, Gross mass 2.4kg)

             X-ray generator
                                                                                200 min.
             X-ray tube       Rh target (Standard model/Premium model)* 1
             Voltage          4 kV to 50 kV
             Current          1  A to 1000  A
             Cooling method   Air-cooled (with fan)
             Irradiated area  Automatic switching in four stages: 1, 3, 5, and  750  590
                              10 mm diameter
                              Automatic switching in four stages: 0.3, 1, 3,
                              and 10 mm diameter* 1
             Primary  lters   Five types (six, including the open position),
                              automatic replacement
             Type             Silicon drift detector (SDD)
             Liquid nitrogen  Not required (electronic cooling)          360

             Sample chamber
             Measurement atmosphere   Air, vacuum* 2 , helium (He)* 2
             Sample replacement   12-sample turret* 2                              1200
             Sample observations   Semiconductor camera
                                                                   Vacuum measurement unit (optional) consists of a control
             Data processor                                        switch box and rotary pump.
             CPU              Intel ®  Core  i5 or above
             Memory           4 GB min.
             HDD              250 GB min.
             Optical drive    Super multi drive
             OS               Windows  10 pro (64-bit)* 3
             Qualitative analysis  Measurement/analysis software
             Quantitative analysis  Calibration curve method, correction for coexistent elements,
                              FP method,  lm FP method, background FP method
             Matching software  Intensity/content
             Utilities        Automatic calibration functions
                              (energy calibration, FWHM calibration)
             Others           Instrument status monitoring function,
                              analysis results tabulation function

             Temperature      10 °C to 30 °C (temperature  uctuation rate 2 °C/hour
                              max., temperature  uctuation range: 10 °C max.)
                              12 to 30 °C when using vacuum measurement unit (option)
             Relative humidity  40 % to 70 % (no condensation)
             Power supply     100-240 V AC ±10 %, 2 A earthed socket
             Dimensions       W 460 × D 590 × H 360 mm
             Weight           Approx. 45 kg
                                                                          This product conforms to Shimadzu's
            * 1  Premium models with more durable X-ray tube windows.          Eco-labeled designation.
            * 2  Option                                                   * Energy savings: 44.1% reduction as
            * 3  Microsoft ®  Of ce is not included.                          compared to the previous model

                                                                                          Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer  27
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