Page 10 - Shimadzu AA-6880
P. 10

$$                    Power Supply, for Unique                                                                              Advanced Safety Technology

                                High-Performance Boosted Hollow
                                Cathode Lamp Included as Standard                                                                     Comprehensive Safety Functions in Every System
                                                                                                                                      Safety is an extremely important consideration for flame atomic absorption
                                                                                                                                      spectrophotometers using acetylene gas.
                                                                                                                                      The AA-6880 Series instruments incorporate a comprehensive range of safety
            Excellent Lamp Sockets Design                                                                                             mechanisms, including gas leak detectors.
            The AA-6880 lamp house has an 8 lamp turret with an automatic switching function, where the No. 7 and No. 8 lamp holders can be
            used for both an ordinary hollow cathode lamp and a high-performance boosted hollow cathode lamp. The AA-6880 can
            simultaneously light any two hollow cathode lamps.
            For the high-performance boosted hollow cathode lamp, an auxiliary cathode electrode is added based on two ordinary hollow
            cathode lamps. The atoms will be produced under the sputtering action in the hollow cathode due to discharging between the
            hollow cathode and the anode. The low-voltage high current between the anode and the auxiliary cathode provides excitation
            energy for the atoms, and such sputtering action and excitation action will be respectively controlled by two separate discharge   Safety Functions for Flame-Specification Instruments
            processes. This greatly improves the excitation efficiency of the atomic spectrum. The high-performance hollow cathode lamp
            requires a dedicated power supply.                                                                                           Multimode automatic gas leak check
                                                                                                                                         The fuel gas pipes inside the instrument gas controller are automatically checked for gas
                                                                                                                                         leaks when the power is turned on and when the flame is extinguished. Should a gas leak be
                                                                                                                                         detected, a warning buzzer sounds and a warning is displayed on the screen.
                                                                                                                                         Automatic flame ignition and extinguishing
                                                                                                                                         Flame ignition and extinguishing operations are extremely simple. The Air-C2H2 flame priority
            Unique Lamp Power Design                                                                                                     ignition mechanism prevents flashback.
               The AA-6880 main unit has a built-in high-performance boosted hollow cathode lamp power supply.                           Automatic Air-N2O switching system with acetylene flow-rate monitor
               Two high-performance hollow cathode lamps can be simultaneously illuminated without any external power supply.            After the ignition of an Air-C2H2 flame, the flame automatically switches to an N2O-C2H2
               An auxiliary cathode current can be automatically scanned, which only requires optimizing the test conditions.            flame.
                                                                                                                                         If the C2H2 flow rate does not increase due to solenoid valve trouble, for example, switching
                                                                                                                                         to the support gas is disabled to prevent flashback.

                                                                                                                                         Pressure monitor prevents flashback  Automatic gas shut-off by flame monitor
                                                                                                                                         Sudden power interruption detection and re-ignition safety measures  Mechanism to prevent misuse of the burner
            Main Features of High-Performance Boosted Hollow Cathode Lamps                                                               Drain tank level monitor
            (as Compared with Ordinary Lamps):
                                                                                                                                      Safety Functions for Furnace-Specification Instruments
               High emission intensity and good stability
               High measurement sensitivity and low detection limit                                                                      Cooling water flow rate monitor  Argon gas pressure monitor  Furnace cooling check
               Expanded calibration curve linear range                                                                                   Overcurrent protection unit (double-checked by circuit protector and optical sensor)
               Reduced spectrum interference from adjacent lines, so a larger spectral bandwidth can be used to further improve          Design for preventing miss-ignition
               the energy. In general, the electrodes of the high-performance boosted hollow cathode lamp, made by
               low-melting-point and volatile elements,such as As, Bi, Pb, Sb, Se, Zn, etc., show better application results..
                                                                                                                                      Safety-Conscious Design
                                                                                                                                         Flame-retardant materials         Safe ignition switches
                         Air-Acetylene    Air-Acetylene             Graphite         Graphite                                            UL 94V-0-rated flame-retardant materials   The switches perfectly fit finger contours and are positioned
                         Flame Analysis   Flame Analysis            Furnace Analysis  Furnace Analysis                                   are used for the instrument external  near the window.
                                                                                                                                         covers and atomizer unit. This superior   To prevent inadvertent operation, both switches must be
                         Ordinary Hollow  High-Performance Hollow   Ordinary Hollow  High-Performance Hollow
               Element                                                                                                                   design pays due consideration to safety.  pressed simultaneously to start ignition.
                         Cathode Lamp     Cathode Lamp              Cathode Lamp     Cathode Lamp
                         Detection Limit  Detection Limit           Detection Limit  Detection Limit
                         (µg/mL)          (µg/mL)                   (pg)             (pg)
               Pb        0.0279           0.0149                    0.68 (10 µL)     0.42 (10 µL)
               Zn        0.0019           0.0010                    0.055 (20 µL)    0.025 (20 µL)                                       Durable pipes and reliable couplings  Clear window
                                                                                                                                         All pipes are selected for durability and   The large window permits observation of the flame, and the
            Pb and Zn: Comparison Table for Typical Detection Limits of the High-Performance Boosted Hollow Cathode Lamp and the Ordinary   used with highly reliable couplings.  burner can be easily accessed through the large opening.
            Hollow Cathode Lamp                                                                                                                                            The window closes when released to eliminate the chance
                                                                                                                                                                           of it being left open.

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