Page 8 - Shimadzu AA-6880
P. 8

$$                    Quickly and easily switch between flame and     furnace

            Employs a quick, tool-less switching mechanism, making it as easy and effortless as shown in the photo.

                                                                       From flame...                                                                             ... to furnace

                                                               Remove the burner head.                                                                       Attach the furnace.

                                                                Attach the burner head.                                                                     Remove the furnace.

                 flame                                                                                                                                                                        From furnace...

            Switch smoothly between Flame and Furnace                                                                                 Slim, Easy-to-Use Design

               All that is involved in switching from flame to furnace is to remove the burner head and put in place the furnace         Smallest footprint for a full system               Lamp house
               section. No tools are needed, making this a quick, easy process.                                                          The system with a dual atomizer fits into a 960 mm width   Just slide the cover to the side for easy replacement of the
                                                                                                                                         (including power supply for the graphite furnace atomizer).   hollow cathode lamps through the large opening.
               Furthermore, one autosampler can be used for both flame and furnace, which negates the need to prepare
               the autosampler for each analysis method.

            Selecting the Graphite Tube

                      High-density graphite tube        Pyro-coated graphite tube         Platform tube
                      (P/N  206-50587-11)               (P/N  206-50588-11)               (P/N  206-50887-02)                                                  AA-6300
                      Can be used for all elements. Especially   Effective for elements that readily form   Restricts chemical interference due to        1080mm(W) × 545(D) ×460(H)
                      effective for low-boiling point elements   carbides (Ni, Fe, Cu, Ca, Ti, Si, V, Mo, etc.).   coexisting substances. Effective for the
                      (Cd, Pb, Na, K, Zn, Mg, etc.).                                      analysis of environmental samples and
                                                                                          biosamples, such as sea water and
                                                                                          industrial waste.
                                                               * Depending on the state of the sample, some other combinations may be appropriate.

                                                                                                                                                       AA-6880F Dual Atomizer System
                                                                                                                                                          960mm(W) × 590(D) ×702(H)
                                                                                                                                         * Dimensions do not include the ASC-6880. Height (H) does not include protrusions.

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