Page 3 - Shimadzu AA-6880
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System Con guration Can Evolve AA- 6880 Series
with Your Needs Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers
The AA-6880 Series can be upgraded by adding units to handle the analysis targets.
Boosting Analytical Productivity of AAS to a Higher Stage
Enhanced Flame Analysis
World-Class High-Sensitivity Furnace
Evolving System Con guration
Advanced Safety Technology
AA-6880F AA-6880F Manual Burner System (with ASC stand kit) AA-6880F Dual Atomizer System
Manual Atomizer Autosampler
Changing kit
Graphite Furnace Dual Atomizer System
Atomizer Manual switching between Flame and Furnace
*1 Requires ASC stand kit.
*2 Requires ASK-6880.
Major Fields of Application Analysis Sensitivities Flame Selection
AA-6880 Series supports a wide range of
analysis applications. Flame Furnace Flame and Measurement Procedures
Environment Concentration limit of detection $LU & + 1 2 & + +9 * 0 98
Seawater, river water, effluent, (ppm) (ppb)
sludge, air-borne dust AA- 6880 F Fl a m e m ode l
AA-6880F Flame model
+ +H + +H
Metals, Semiconductors, Ceramics /L %H % & 1 2 ) 1H /L %H % & 1 2 ) 1H H
Metals, minerals, glass, 1D 0J $O 6L 3 6 &O $U 1D 0J $O 6L 3 6 &O $U U
ceramics, IC chips
. &D 6F 7L 9 &U 0Q )H &R 1L &X =Q *D * H$V 6H %U .U .& D 7 6F L 9 & U0Q)H&R1L&X= Q 6H %U . *D *H $V U U
Petroleum, Chemicals, Polymers 5E 6U < = U1E0R7F5X5K3 G & $J G 7H , ; ,Q 6Q 6E H 5E 6U < = U1E0R7F5X5K3 G & $J G 6E 7H , ; ,Q 6Q H H
Petroleum, oil, catalysts,
chemical products, biodiesel &V %D /D +I 7D :5H2V, U $ 3W X +J 7O 3E %L 3R $W 5Q &V %D /D +I 7D :5H2V,U3W$ X 7O 3E %L 3R $W 5 +J Q Q
)U 5D $F )U 5D $F
Medical, Biology, Pharmaceuticals
&H 3U 1G 3P 6P (X *G 7E '\ +R (U 7P <E /X &H 3U 1G 3P 6P (X *G 7E '\ +R (U 7P <E /X X
Blood, animals, plants,
drugs, food products 7K 3D 81S3X$P&P% N (V )P 0G 1R / &I U 7K 3D 81S3X$P&P% N (V )P 0G 1R / &I U U
* May differ according to coexisting substances in the sample. AA-6880F Dual Atomizer System (with options attached)