Page 7 - Shimadzu AA-6880
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World-Class High-Sensitivity Furnace

            High-Performance Autosampler

               Mix and inject up to four sample types (diluted solution, standard solution,
               sample, matrix modifier, etc.). (Unmixed samples can also be injected.)
               Select a fluororesin tube or pipette tip as the injection nozzle.
               Automatic dilution and re-analysis if the calibration curve concentration is exceeded.

            Example of Automatic Dilution and Re-Analysis
            Analysis of cadmium (Cd): The maximum concentration of the calibration curve has been set to 1ppb. At 1.8ppb, the sample of [003] has exceeded the
            maximum concentration. As a result, it has been automatically diluted by four times and re-measured.

            High-Sensitivity Application Data (Analysis of Selenium (Se))

               Independent control of the gas flow through the graphite tube during
               atomization achieves extremely high-sensitivity measurements.
               (Japanese Patent 2067563)

                             Measurement Example Showing High Sensitivity
                             Analysis of 0 to 5 ppb selenium (Se): Sensitivity is adequate for 1 ppb measurements.
                             (20 µL injected volume, Pd modifier, pyro-coated graphite tube)

               Digital temperature control and electronic gas flow control enhance stability
               Combination of a high-sensitivity optical sensor and unique digital temperature control
               technology achieves highly accurate temperature control in all temperature regions from
               drying to atomization. An electronic flow controller can precisely control the inner gas
               flow rate in 0.01 L/min units. These control techniques significantly enhance both the
               sensitivity and the data stability.

                             Measurement Example Showing High Stability
                             Analysis of 0.5 ppb lead (Pb): Approx. 5% relative standard deviation after five
                             repeated measurements is adequate for quantitative analysis.

 Achieves World-Class Lower Limits of Detection
 Advances in optics and a new graphite furnace design achieve improved   Enhanced Sensitivity due to Graphite Furnace
 lower limits of detection for furnace analysis (comparison with previous   Previous  New
 Shimadzu models).   Pb 0.08ppb  0.05ppb
 This superb analysis performance is possible in all fields.   Mn 0.02ppb  0.01ppb

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