Page 12 - Shimadzu AA-6880
P. 12

$$                    Dual-Background Correction Functions

            The optimal background correction methods are installed as standard:
            high-speed self-reversal method (SR method) and deuterium lamp method (D2 method).

                                                                                                                                   Examples of elements and wavelengths causing spectral
                 These functions can correct for spectral interference in flame measurement.                                       interference problems due to neighboring lines
                 Selecting the optimal background correction method for each sample ensures                                        Measured Element Analytical Line (nm) Coexisting Element Absorption Line (nm)
                 accurate and reliable analysis results.                                                                               As       193.76     Fe       193.73
                                                                                                                                       Ca       422.67     Fe       422.64
                                                                                                                                       Cd       228.80     Ni       228.84
                                                                                                                                       Cu       324.75     Fe       324.73    The SR method is suitable for samples containing elements that cause
                     Samples suitable for the SR method               Samples suitable for the D2 method                               Ga       294.36     Ni       294.39    problems with spectral interference, as shown in the table to the left.
                                                                                                                                       Mg       285.21     Fe       285.18
                                                                                                                                       Ni       232.00     Fe       232.04
                              Samples with a complex matrix             Purified water, tap water, environmental water, etc.
                                                                                                                                       Pb       217.00     Fe       216.95
                 (Containing a large quantity of a specific element as the main component)   Samples with a relatively simple matrix   Sb       217.58     Fe       217.55
                                                                                                                                       Se       196.03     Fe       196.05
                                                                                                                                       Si       251.61     Fe       251.69
                                                                                                                                       Zn      213.856     Fe      213.8589
            SR (high-speed self-reversal) method –– accurate background correction over a wide range                                  D2 (deuterium lamp) method –– highly sensitive background correction
            Features                                                                                                                  Features
            1. High-speed self-reversal (SR) correction is generally more accurate than deuterium lamp (D2) correction. As both atomic absorption and background   1. Detection sensitivity is superior to the SR method. Therefore, this method is suitable for the analysis of samples with a simple matrix requiring high
              absorption can be measured using a single lamp, the correction errors due to light-axis misalignment are extremely small. This is ideal for the quantitation   sensitivity, such as the measurement of trace levels of impurities in ultrapure water or environmental analyses.
              of trace components in a matrix exhibiting complex background absorption, such as bio-samples and metals.
                                                                                                                                      2. As the lighting frequency is higher than with the SR method, it can eliminate noise due to emission components of the flame or graphite tube to permit
            2. Permits background correction over the entire wavelength range from 185 nm to 900 nm.                                    accurate atomic absorption measurements.
            3. This method can correct for spectral interference due to neighboring lines that can occur when a resonance line for another element exists near the   3. The original hollow cathode lamp can be used.
              analytical line for the target element. (See table on next page.)
            4. As no polarizer is used, measurements are possible with low light losses and a high S/N ratio.                            D2 lamp spectrum  Background absorption       Principle
                                                                                                                                                                                       The deuterium lamp method involves lighting the hollow cathode lamp and the
            5. The rapid lamp lighting permits accurate measurement unaffected by emission noise in the atomizer.
                                                                                                                                                                                       deuterium lamp alternately at high speed. After separation by the monochromator,
            * Hollow cathode lamp L-2433 is required to use the SR method. It can also be used for the D2 method.                                                        Atomic absorption  the light from the deuterium lamp has a bandwidth from 0.1 to 5 nm. Therefore, an
                                                                                                                                                                                       atomic absorption with a line width of only about 1/1000 nm is almost unobservable
                                    Background absorption             Principle
                           IH spectrum                                                                                                                                                 compared to the background absorption due to wide-bandwidth molecular
                                                        Background    A small current IL (approx. 10 mA) and a large current IH (approx. 500                                           absorption. However, as the light from the hollow cathode lamp has approximately
                                                        Atomic absorption  mA) are alternately passed through the hollow cathode lamp. The                                             the same bandwidth as the atomic absorption band, the total of the atomic
                                           Atomic                     lamp emission spectrum when the large current flows has a depression                                             absorption and the background absorption can be observed. With the deuterium
              Lamp current   Wavelength  Wavelength           Atomic  in the center (self-reverse), due to self-absorption of the large number                                         lamp (D2) method, light from both sources passes through the atomizer. The
                                                                      of sputtered atoms in the atom cloud, as shown in the diagram to the
                                                                                                                                                                                       difference in absorbance is determined to conduct background correction.
                           IL spectrum                  Absorption absorption  left. No significant atomic absorption is apparent and background   Hollow cathode lamp spectrum  Atomic absorption + background absorption
                                                                      absorption mainly occurs. Conversely, the lamp emission spectrum
                                                        Background    when the small current flows comprises a single narrow peak resulting
                     Time                                             from both atomic absorption and background absorption. By
                                                        Atomic absorption                                                                Examples suitable for D2 method (where no difference results between SR and D2 methods)
                                                                      determining the difference between the two types of absorption, it is
                                                                      possible to accurately correct for the background absorption and   Example: Measurement of trace levels of lead in 2% NaCl solution by molecular absorption (analysis of Pb in 2% NaCl solution)
                           (Lamp energy)  (Sample measurement)  (Energy component ratio)
                                                                      measure the true atomic absorption.
                                                                                                                                                BGC-SR method                                       BGC-D2 method
               Examples suitable for SR method (where differences result between SR and D2 methods)
               Example: Measurement of trace levels of zinc in iron (analysis of Zn in Fe solution)
                          BGC-SR method                        BGC-D2 method
                                                                                        Zn 0.25ppm
                        Atomic absorption signal              Atomic absorption signal
                        Background signal                                               Zn 0.50ppm                                                                      Background signal
                                                              Background signal
                                                                                        Fe 0.1%
                                                                                        Fe 0.5%
                                                                                        Fe 0.5%    Zn 0.25ppm
                                                                                                                                                                      Atomic absorption signal
                                                                                        Fe 0.5%    Zn 0.5ppm
                                                                                        Fe 0.75%    Zn 0.3ppm
                                                                                                                                       Spike  0ppb   2ppb   4ppb                           Spike  0ppb    2ppb   4ppb
                 The identical 0.5 ppm Zn solution is accurately corrected to  Due to inadequate correction, the absorbance is higher at
                 the same absorbance at (2) and (6).   (6) than at (2) for the identical 0.5 ppm Zn solution.                                       It can be seen that the sensitivity is higher with the BGC-D2 method.

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