Page 15 - Shimadzu AA-6880
P. 15

Clear, Easy-to-Use Software

 Features of the WizAArd Software  Software Provides Comprehensive Information Displays and Flexible Settings
 The WizAArd software used with the AA-6880 runs under Windows 7.

            Identical software operation for flame and furnace measurements
 Wizard Functions Make Setting the Conditions So Simple That Even a Novice Can Do It.
              Even if the calibration curve is created after sample measurements,
 Just set the measurement conditions using WizAArd to  concentration calculations can be conducted on past data. This
 complete the general settings.   allows trial measurements to be directly used as actual
 The initial settings can also be completed simply
 by following the Wizard procedures.   Extrapolation of calibration curve range. If the sample concentration
              exceeds the calibration curve range, additional measurements can be
              performed on standard solutions to re-calculate the concentration.
              Use existing calibration curves for measurements. Useful for sample
              concentration order checks and for checking the instrument
 Start Wizard.   sensitivity.

 Select element.   One-touch re-measurement operation. No need to repeat the
              measurement from the beginning.

 Set calibration curve and sample parameters.   Create and save multiple calibration curves on a single worksheet.
              Select the appropriate calibration curve for the sample concentration
              and composition.
 Set monochromator parameters.

            Combining a high-performance autosampler simplifies advanced settings
 Connect to instrument.
              Real-time drying and ashing progress display for furnace
 Measurement Screen Layout Shows Measurement Status at a Glance  A higher temperature cleaning operation than the cleaning stage
              can be added for each measurement. This reduces the graphite tube
 Measured element  Signal profile display  memory effect. Tube deterioration is reduced by minimizing the
              cleaning operations.
 Real-time signal monitor  Calibration curve display
              Add optional autosampler rinsing operations to ensure adequate
              rinsing of the autosampler after completing the measurement of
              high-concentration samples.
              Set up sample dilution and spike-and-recovery tests on the same
 MRT (Measured Results Table)
 The worksheet shows sample names,
 absorbance, concentrations,
 and correction calibration results.

              Overlay function allows size and shape comparison of peak profiles.

              Large-volume injection permits high-sensitivity measurements.
 Lamp History Function Assists with Lamp Management
              Precision control of drying and ashing temperatures reduces analysis
 The accumulated operation time for each lamp displayed on the lamp   time.
 registration screen assists with lamp service life management. Multiple
 lamps for the same element are differentiated using lamp IDs.

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