Page 20 - Shimadzu AA-6880
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                                                                               Specification Sheet


                                                                          Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers

                                                                   The AA-6880F Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers
                                                                   features high-sensitivity analysis, flexible system configuration,
                                                                   and a compact footprint for user-friendly operation.
                                                                   The AA-6880F ensures efficient and comfortable operation in
                                                                   your laboratory.

            Main Unit
             Optics  Wavelength range  185 to 900 nm                Data   Re-analysis  · Select whether or not to conduct re-analysis.
                    Monochromator  Aberration-corrected Czerny-Turner mounting,   processing  · Automatic dilution and re-analysis of unknown
                                  Number of grating grooves: 1800 lines / mm,      samples via autosampler
                                                                                      Focal length: 300 mm    (flame micro sampling method, furnace method)
                    Bandwidth     0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0 nm          Digital  · Management by login ID and password · Control
                                  (6-step automatical switching)           recording  user access authority by user level · Log record
                                                                                   · Audit trail · Electronic signatures
                    Detector      Photomultiplier tube
                                                                    Power requirements  Choose from 100, 120, 220, or 230 VAC, 230 VA,
                    Configuration  Optical double beam (with Beam Manager)
                                                                                   50/60 Hz (Power is required separately for the
                    Background correction  · BGC-SR (high-speed self-reversal method)  personal computer.)
                    method          (185.0 to 900.0 nm)             Dimensions and  W702 × D610 × H702 mm, 78 kg
                                  · BGC-D2 (D2 lamp method) (185.0 to 430.0 nm)  weight  (Protruding parts and optional equipment are
                    Number of HC lamps  8-lamp turret, 2 lamps simultaneously lit, 1 for   not included.)
                                  measurement, 1 warming up for next measurement   Ambient temperature  10 to 35 °C, 20 to 80% (less than 70% when
                                  2 sockets for High-performance boosted lamp,    / humidity  temperature is higher than 30 °C)
                                  litting one
                    Lamp mode     EMISSION, NON-BGC, BGC-D2, BGC-SR
             Data   Software requirements  Microsoft Windows 7 Professional / Vista Business
             processing  Parameter setting  Wizard method
                    Measurement mode  Flame continuous method, flame micro sampling
                                  method, furnace method, flame emission method  Required Software Operation Environment
                    Calibration mode  · Calibration curve method    Shimadzu recommends the PC and monitor in the PC Set for AA-6880 Series
                                    (select primary, secondary, tertiary)  with WizAArd Software Pre-Installed.
                                  · Standard addition method, simple standard   Purchase a printer separately. The personal computer and monitor
                                    addition method (primary expression)  specifications are as follows.
                    Repeat analysis  Up to 20 repetitions. Mean value, standard deviation
                                  (SD) and coefficient of variation (RSD) display  Operating system  Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (32/64 bit)
                                  Automatic exclusion of deviant values by setting SD  CPU  Intel ®  Celeron 420 (1.60 GHz or higher)
                                  and %RSD                                         To use GFA-TV, Intel ®  Pentium DualCore
                    Baseline correction  Automatic correction of baseline drift by offset   E2180(2 GHz) or higher is required.
                                  correction in peak height / peak area modes.   RAM  1 GB or higher
                    Signal processing  Signal processing segments can be changed in peak   Monitor  XGA (1024 × 768 dots) or higher
                    segment setting  height / peak area modes.
                                                                    Storage device  One CD-ROM drive (for installing a software)
                    Sensitivity correction  Automatic calibration curve correction function using   Requires 60 MB min. hard disk space for
                                  sensitivity monitoring                           AA installation.
                    Analog output  2 channels                       I/O port       One serial port (for AA control)
                                  (atomic absorption/energy signal, background signal)  USB 2.0 port (for GFA-TV)
                                  Output range: 5.0, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625 Abs./V  Peripheral device  Monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer
                                                 (each settable in 4 stages)
                                                 Fixed at 1 V F.S. in EMISSION mode.
                                                                    * Notes
                    Calculation factor  Final concentration calculations based on sampled   · The PC, monitor and printer are not included in the standard configuration.
                                  volume, dilution rate, fixed volume, and factor inputs
                                                                     Prepare them separately.
                    Method file   Template functions available
                                                                    · The ASC-6880, ASK-6880 and GFA-6880 are optional accessories.
                    Procedure/result display MRT (Measurement Results Table) worksheet
                                                                    · The separately available micro sampling kit is required for the flame micro
                    Report generation  Summary report                sampling method.
                    QA/QC         Select whether to continue or discontinue   · Microsoft Windows 7 Professional and Vista Business are registered
                                  measurements based on results of evaluation on   trademarks of Microsoft Corp., U.S.A.
                                  coefficient of correlation, %RSD, ICV.ICB, CCV.CCB,   · The AA-6880 Series does not conform to IEC60601 –– Medical Electrical
                                  PB, LCS, SPK, PDS, and DUP.
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