Page 99 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 99

Analysis of Amino Acids

              Shim-pack Amino Series
           Examples of Cation Analysis

           Shim-pack Amino series uses polystyrene gel as solid support, making it possible to utilize both electrostatic reaction and hydrophobic
           reaction. It is ideal for the analysis of amino acids.

                           Analysis of Amino Acid Standard                       Analysis of Vinegar
             Conditions                                          Peaks
           Column    :  Shim-pack Amino-Na (100 mmL × 6.0 mmI.D., 5 μm)  1. ASP  6. GLY  11. ILE  16. HIS
                       (P/N: 228-18837-91)                    2. THR   7. ALA  12. LEU  17. LYS
           Mobile Phase  :  Mobile phase kit for amino acid analysis (Na Type)  3. SER  8. CYSTINE  13. TYR  18. ARG
                                                                       9. VAL
                                                                               14. PHE
                                                              4. GLU
                       (P/N: 228-21195-94)                    5. PRO   10. MET  15. GABA
           Flow Rate   :  0.4 mL/min
           Col. Temp.   :  60 °C
           Detection   :  RF (Post-column derivation)

                                                                                 Analysis of Soy Sauce

                        Simultaneous Analysis of 38 Amino Acids
           Column    :  Shim-pack Amino-Li (100 mmL × 6.0 mmI.D., 5 μm)
                       (P/N: 228-18837-92)
           Mobile Phase  :  Mobile phase kit for amino acid analysis (Li Type)
                       (P/N: 228-21195-95)
           Flow Rate   :  0.6 mL/min
           Col. Temp.   :  39 °C
           Detection   :  RF-10AXL Ex. 350 nm, Em. 450 nm

              Product Information

                                                   Particle Size  Dimensions
                 Column          Stationary Phase                                    P/N         Guard Column
                                                      (μm)     (Length × I.D., mm)
           Shim-pack AMINO-NA  Na type sulfone group   5          100 × 6.0      228-18837-91    228-18837-93 *
           Shim-pack AMINO-LI   Li type sulfone group  5          100 × 6.0      228-18837-92         -
           * Dedicated for the analysis of cyanide. Please do not use it in the analysis of amino acids.
           In the analysis of amino acids, the following trap columns are required.
                                Description                                         P/N
                                                              (Length × I.D., mm)
                              ISC-30/S 0504 NA (For trapping Na type ammonia)  50 × 4.0  228-14206-91
                              ISC-30/S 0504 LI (For trapping Li type ammonia)  50 × 4.0  228-00821-91

                                                                                                         Pg A-95
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104