Page 95 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 95

Shim-pack UC-Diol II  Shim-pack UC-Sil II  Shim-pack UC-Choles  Shim-pack UC-PBr
           Bonded Phase             Diol Group              -             Cholesteryl Groups  Pentabromobenzyl Group
           Particle Size (μm)          3, 5                3, 5                3, 5                3, 5
           Pore Size (nm)              12                  12                  12                   12
           Surface area (m /g)   340 (3μm), 300 (5μm)  340 (3μm), 300 (5μm)  340 (3μm), 300 (5μm)  340 (3μm), 300 (5μm)
           Carbon Loading (%)           -                   -                  20                   8
           Pressure Tolerance (MPa)  50 (3μm), 30 (5μm)  50 (3μm), 30 (5μm)  50 (3μm), 30 (5μm)  50 (3μm), 30 (5μm)
           Pore volume (mL/g)    1.00 (3μm), 0.90 (5μm)  1.00 (3μm), 0.90 (5μm)  1.00 (3μm), 0.90 (5μm)  1.00 (3μm), 0.90 (5μm)
           End-capping                  -                   -                  Yes                 Yes
           pH Range                   2 - 7.5               -                 2 - 7.5             2 - 7.5
           USP Code                    L20                 L3                  L101                 -

                                  Shim-pack UC-PyE    Shim-pack UC-HyP     Shim-pack UC-Py   Shim-pack UC-Triazole
           Bonded Phase           Pyrenylethyl Group  3-Hydroxyphenyl Group  Pyridinyl Group   Triazolyl group
           Particle Size (μm)          3, 5                3, 5                3, 5                3, 5
           Pore Size (nm)              12                  12                  12                   12
           Surface area (m /g)   340 (3μm), 300 (5μm)  340 (3μm), 300 (5μm)  340 (3μm), 300 (5μm)  340 (3μm), 300 (5μm)
           Carbon Loading (%)          18                   -                   -                   -
           Pressure Tolerance (MPa)  50 (3μm), 30 (5μm)  50 (3μm), 30 (5μm)  50 (3μm), 30 (5μm)  50 (3μm), 30 (5μm)
           Pore volume (mL/g)    1.00 (3μm), 0.90 (5μm)  1.00 (3μm), 0.90 (5μm)  1.00 (3μm), 0.90 (5μm)  1.00 (3μm), 0.90 (5μm)
           End-capping                 Yes                 Yes                 Yes                  -
           pH Range                   2 - 7.5               -                   -                 2 - 7.5
           USP Code                     -                   -                   -                  L104

              Analysis Examples

           Multiple Pesticides with a Wide Polarity Range
           Simultaneous analysis of multiple pesticides with a wide polarity range from hydrophobic to hydrophilic has been achieved using the
           Nexera UC and Shim-pack UC RP. Shim-pack UC RP contains a polar functional group embedded between the silica surface and the
           C18 group. This allows the column to analyze a wide range of components from hydrophobic to hydrophilic ones.
           Simultaneous analysis of multiple components can now be performed more efficiently using the Nexera UC and Shim-pack UC series.
                No.            Components          log P
                1              Carbofuran           7.4
                2              Ethofenprox          6.9
                3             Fenpropathrin         6.0
                4              Pyriproxyfen         5.0
                5             Pyraclostrobin        4.0
                6               Linuron             3.0
                7              Aminocarb            1.9
                8             Ethoxysulfuron        1.0
                9           Halosulfuron methyl     0.0
                10             Bentazone            –0.5
                11            Chlorsulfuron         –1.0
                12             Rimsulfuron          –1.5
                13             Nicosulfuron         –1.8
                14             Vamidothion          –4.2

                                                                                                         Pg A-91
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100