Page 93 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 93

Mastro  SP
           Ion-paring reagents are required to analyze the highly-polar compound such as phosphate groups. However, ion-paring reagents are
           not ideal for LCMS applications as they as difficult to remove from the flow lines. Mastro TM  SP columns are ideal for the analysis of
           such compounds without the use of ion-paring reagents.

                                                              Analytical condition
                                                             Instruments   :  Shimadzu Nexera/LCMS-8050
                                                             Column    :  Mastro™ SP (2.1 mmI.D × 100 mmL., 5 μm)
                                                             Mobile phase  :  A) 10 mM Ammonium acetate/ACN=90/10
                                                             Mobile phase  :  B)  50 mM Ammonium acetate/ACN=80/20
                                                                            0% B (0-4.0 min)    60% B (9.0 min)
                                                                             00% B (11.0-20.0 min)
                                                                             0% B (20.1-25.0 min)
                                                             T. Flow   :  0.5 mL/min
                                                             Nebulizing gas :  3.0 L/min
                                                             Drying gas   :  12 L/min
                                                             DL Temp.   :  250 ºC
                                                             BH Temp.   :  400 ºC
                                                             Injection Vol.  :  3 μL

            Particle Size   I.D (mm)  Length
              (μm)                    100 mm
               5.0      2.1          SSOT-G10005

           Mastro2™ PFP

           Mastro2 PFP is the column packed with PFP (Penta Fluoro Phenyl) that has high retention capability. Generally, PFP columns have
           efficiency for retaining and separating regioisomers and halogen compounds that are difficult to be analysed with C18 column.

              Separation of cresol
                                         Analytical conditions
                                                                                         Mastro2™ PFP  Typical PFP
                                       Instrument   :  NexeraX2_SPD20A(Semi-micro cell)  α2,3  1.06     1.10
                                       Column    :  Mastro2™ PFP (150 mmL. × 2.0 mm I.D. 3 μm)
                                                   Typical PFP*  (150 mmL. × 2.1 mm I.D. 3 μm)  α3,4   1.10  1.82
                                       Mobile phase  :  H2O / CH 3OH = 60 / 40      Rs1     1.50        0.59
                                       Flow rate   :  0.2 mL/min                    Rs2     2.50        0.92
                                       Detection   :  UV 254 nm
                                       Column oven  :  40 ºC
                                       Sample    :  1. Uracil, 2. p-Cresol, 3. m-Cresol, 4. o-Cresol
                                       *  Metal free column

              Mycotoxin components (3-ADON, 15-ADON) analysis

                                                            Analytical conditions

                                                          Instrument   :  NexeraX2_SPD20A (Semi-micro cell)
                                                          Column    :  Mastro2™ PFP (150 mm L, × 2.0 mm I.D. 3 μm)
                                                          Mobile phase   :  A) 10 mM CH 3COONH4 in H2O
                                                                      B)  2% CH3COOH in CH 3OH
                                                                         Gradient condition
                                                          Flow rate    :  0.4 mL/min
                                                          Detection    :  UV 254 nm
                                                          Column oven  :  40 ºC
                                                          Sample    :  1. 15-ADON, 2. 3-ADON

            Particle Size   I.D (mm)              Length
              (μm)                    100 mm                 150 mm
               3.0      2.0         370-01015-64           370-01015-84

                                                                                                         Pg A-89
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98