Page 89 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 89

Shim-pack Diol Series

           Shim-pack Diol series is a kind of gel filtration chromatography (GFC) column. GFC is used to separate water-soluble high polymers
           such as polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids according to their molecular sizes by using hydrophilic packing materials and
           aqueous mobile phase.
           Shim-pack Diol series is packed with porous spherical silica gel chemically bonded with a hydroxyl group. Due to the hydrophilic
           hydroxyl group, Shim-pack Diol series can be used in high-speed GFC and provide sharp peaks during the analysis of protein and
           biochemicals (such as enzymes).

              Product Information

                                                        Particle Size       Dimensions
                  Column          Stationary Phase                                                 P/N
                                                           (μm)           (Length × I.D., mm)
                                                                             250 × 7.9          228-14775-91
           Shim-pack Diol-150       Diol group              5
                                                                             500 × 7.9          228-14775-92
                                                                             250 × 7.9          228-14776-91
           Shim-pack Diol-300       Diol group              5
                                                                             500 × 7.9          228-14776-92
           Pre-column Diol *        Diol group             10                 50 × 4.0          228-16367-91
           * Installed between the liquid pump and the sample injector to protect the Shim-pack Diol column.

              Analysis Examples

           Calibration Curves

                                            1.  Blue dextran 2000
                                            2.  Thyroglobulin
                                            3.  y-Globulin
                                            4.  Transferrin
                                            5.  Human serum albumin
                                            6.  Ovalbumin
                                            7.  β-Lactoglobulin
                                            8.  Chymotrypsin
                                            9.  Myoglobin
                                            10.  Lysozyme
                                            11.  Ribonuclease A
                                            12.  Cytochrome C
                                            13.  Gly-Tyr
                                           Column     :  Shim-pack Diol Series (500 mmL × 7.9 mmI.D., 5 μm)
                                           Mobile Phase  :  A) 10mM phosphate buffer solution (pH 7)
                                                        B)  0.2M sodium sulfate
                                           Flow Rate   :  1.0 mL/min
                                           Col. Temp.   :  Ambient
                                           Detection   :  UV 280 nm

           Analysis of Protein Standard

                                    Peaks                Conditions
                                   1. Glutamate dehydrogenase  Column   :  Shim-pack Diol-300 (500 mmL × 7.9 mmI.D., 5 μm)
                                   2. Lactate dehydrogenase        (P/N: 228-14776-92)
                                   3. Enolase          Mobile Phase  :  A) 10mM phosphate buffer solution (pH 7)
                                   4. Adenylate kinase             B)  0.1M sodium chloride
                                   5. Cytochrome C
                                                       Flow Rate   :  1.0 mL/min
                                                       Col. Temp.   :  Ambient
                                                       Detection   :  UV 280 nm

                                                                                                         Pg A-85
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94