Page 66 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 66


           Shim-pack GIST Amide

              Strong retention of polar compounds
              This is the amide type HILIC column in the Shim-pack Series.   Bonded Phase   Amide (Carbamoyl) Groups
             It shows stronger retention of polar compounds than other   Particle Size   3μm, 5μm
             HILIC columns such as unmodified silica and Diol type and   Pore Size   10 nm
             it provides a different selectivity.  It is also highly durable,   Surface Area   350 m /g
             which is a characteristic of the Shim-pack GIST Series.                     Carbon Loading  15 %
              In addition to analysis of oligosaccharides and glycans,   End-capping   No
             Amide type HILIC columns are often used as general HILIC   pH Range   2 to 8.5
             columns as they are applicable to a wide range of samples.  USP Code  L68

           Analysis Examples

            Analysis of Sugar Alcohol                  Column    :  Shim-pack GIST Amide (5 μm, 250 x 4.6 mm I.D.)
                                                                   (P/N: 227-30827-07)
                                                       Mobile Phase  :  Acetonitrile/Water = 80/20, v/v
                                                       Flow Rate   :  1 mL/min
                                                       Col. Temp.   :  40 ºC
                                                       Detection   :  RI
                                                       Injection Vol.   :  10 μL

            Analysis of Oligosaccharides derivatized with 2-AB  Column   :  Shim-pack GIST Amide (5 μm, 250 x 4.6 mm I.D.)
                                                                   (P/N: 227-30827-07)
                                                       Mobile Phase  :  Acetonitrile
                                                                   B) 50 mM HCOONH4 (pH 4.4, HCOOH)
                                                                   A/B = 80/20 – 20 min – 65/35 – 60 min – 50/50 – 10 min – 50/50 (v/v)
                                                       Flow Rate   :  1 mL/min
                                                       Col. Temp.   :  50 ºC
                                                       Detection   :  RI
                                                       Injection Vol.   :  25 μL
                                                       Sample    :  2-AB Labeled Glucose Homopolymer Ladder

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