Page 46 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 46


           Shim-pack GISS C18

              Ideal for Rapid Analysis
              Shim-pack GISS C18 maintains the same ultra-high   Bonded Phase  Octadecyl Groups
             inertness and wider pH range as the Shim-pack GIST   Particle Size  1.9 μm, 3 μm, 5 μm
             C18, while providing rapid separations with symmetrical   Pore Size  20 nm
             peaks.                                       Surface Area       200 m /g
                                                          Carbon Loading     9 %
              The optimization of surface area, pore size and chemical
             bonding delivers superior peak shapes. It is ideal for LC/  End-capping  Yes
             MS/MS analysis and enables MS-compatible buffers to   pH Range  1 to 10
             be used due to extremely inert silica gel.   USP Code           L1

           Analysis Examples
                                                           Peaks (100 μg/L each)
                                                                        Q1 > Q3
                                                        1. Acebutolol  :  337.10 > 116.05 (+)
                                                        2. Atenolol   :  267.25 > 145.00 (+)
                                                        3. Labetalol   :  329.00 > 161.95 (+)
                                                        4. Nadolol    :  310.05 > 254.00 (+)
                                                        5. Pindolol    :  249.80 > 116.00 (+)
                                                        Column    :  Shim-pack GISS C18 (50 mmL × 2.1 mmI.D., 1.9 μm)
                                                                    (P/N: 227-30048-01)
                                                        Mobile Phase  :  A) 10 mM Ammonium Formate in Water
                                                                    B)  10 mM Ammonium Formate in Methanol
                                                                    A/B = 70/30 - 0.3 min - 40/60 - 0.5 min - 0/100 - 0.1 min -
                                                                    0/100 - 0.01 min - 70/30 - 0.5 min - 70/30, v/v
                                                        Flow Rate   :  0.6 mL/min
                                                        Col. Temp.   :  40 °C
                                                        Detection   :  LC/MS/MS (ESI, Positive, Negative MRM)

             Analytical Columns

            Particle Size   I.D. (mm)  1.0          1.5          2.1         3.0          4.0          4.6
              (μm)    Length (mm)
                           30       227-30050-01  227-30051-01  227-30052-01  227-30053-01  227-30054-01  227-30055-01
                           50       227-30050-02  227-30051-02  227-30052-02  227-30053-02  227-30054-02  227-30055-02
                           75       227-30050-03  227-30051-03  227-30052-03  227-30053-03  227-30054-03  227-30055-03
               3          100       227-30050-04  227-30051-04  227-30052-04  227-30053-04  227-30054-04  227-30055-04
                          125           -            -       227-30052-05  227-30053-05  227-30054-05  227-30055-05
                          150       227-30050-05  227-30051-05  227-30052-06  227-30053-06  227-30054-06  227-30055-06
                          250       227-30050-06  227-30051-06  227-30052-07  227-30053-07  227-30054-07  227-30055-07
                           30       227-30056-01  227-30057-01  227-30058-01  227-30059-01  227-30060-01  227-30061-01
                           50       227-30056-02  227-30057-02  227-30058-02  227-30059-02  227-30060-02  227-30061-02
                           75       227-30056-03  227-30057-03  227-30058-03  227-30059-03  227-30060-03  227-30061-03
               5          100       227-30056-04  227-30057-04  227-30058-04  227-30059-04  227-30060-04  227-30061-04
                          125           -            -       227-30058-05  227-30059-05  227-30060-05  227-30061-05
                          150       227-30056-05  227-30057-05  227-30058-06  227-30059-06  227-30060-06  227-30061-06
                          250       227-30056-06  227-30057-06  227-30058-07  227-30059-07  227-30060-07  227-30061-07

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