Page 42 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 42


           Shim-pack GIST C18

              Ultra High Inertness, High Durability
              Shim-pack GIST C18 has superior inertness, which improves   Bonded Phase  Octadecyl Groups
             analysis precision and increases column durability. In   Particle Size  2 μm, 3 μm, 5 μm
             addition, it can be used to analyze strong ionic compounds   Pore Size  10 nm
             and difficult to absorb samples, which helps to obtain   Surface Area  350 m /g
             symmetrical peaks and high reproducibility.       Carbon Loading    14 %
              Furthermore, because of the new silica gel, Shim-pack GIST   End-capping  Yes
             C18 is suitable for wider pH (1-10) analysis at a consistent   pH Range  1 to 10
             performance. This enables use of a silica-based column under   USP Code  L1
             alkaline conditions.

           Analysis Examples

            Conditions                                          Conditions
           Column    :  Shim-pack GIST-HP C18 (150 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D., 3 μm)    Column   :  Shim-pack GIST C18 (150 mmL. × 4.6 mmI.D., 5 μm)
                       (P/N: 227-30040-05)                                (P/N: 227-30017-07)
           Mobile Phase  :  A) 50 mM KH2PO4 (pH 3.5, H3PO4)   Mobile Phase  :  0.1 mol/L Ammonium phosphate, 0.2 mol/L Sodium
                       B)  Acetonitrile                                   perchlorate buffer solution (pH 2.0)
                       A/B = 60/40 - 4 min - 40/60            Flow Rate   :  1.0 mL/min
           Flow Rate   :  1.5 mL/min                          Col. Temp.   :  40 ºC
           Col. Temp.   :  40 ºC                              Detection   :  UV 260 nm
           Detection   :  UV 235 nm                           Injection Vol.  :  1 μL
           Injection Vol.  :  5.0 μL

             Analytical Columns

            Particle Size   I.D. (mm)  1.0          1.5          2.1         3.0          4.0          4.6
              (μm)    Length (mm)
                           20           -            -       227-30008-01  227-30009-01  227-30010-01  227-30011-01
                           30       227-30006-01  227-30007-01  227-30008-02  227-30009-02  227-30010-02  227-30011-02
                           50       227-30006-02  227-30007-02  227-30008-03  227-30009-03  227-30010-03  227-30011-03
                           75       227-30006-03  227-30007-03  227-30008-04  227-30009-04  227-30010-04  227-30011-04
                          100       227-30006-04  227-30007-04  227-30008-05  227-30009-05  227-30010-05  227-30011-05
                          125           -            -       227-30008-06  227-30009-06  227-30010-06  227-30011-06
                          150       227-30006-05  227-30007-05  227-30008-07  227-30009-07  227-30010-07  227-30011-07
                          250       227-30006-06  227-30007-06  227-30008-08  227-30009-08  227-30010-08  227-30011-08
                           20           -            -       227-30014-01  227-30015-01  227-30016-01  227-30017-01
                           30       227-30012-01  227-30013-01  227-30014-02  227-30015-02  227-30016-02  227-30017-02
                           50       227-30012-02  227-30013-02  227-30014-03  227-30015-03  227-30016-03  227-30017-03
                           75       227-30012-03  227-30013-03  227-30014-04  227-30015-04  227-30016-04  227-30017-04
                          100       227-30012-04  227-30013-04  227-30014-05  227-30015-05  227-30016-05  227-30017-05
                          125           -            -       227-30014-06  227-30015-06  227-30016-06  227-30017-06
                          150       227-30012-05  227-30013-05  227-30014-07  227-30015-07  227-30016-07  227-30017-07
                          250       227-30012-06  227-30013-06  227-30014-08  227-30015-08  227-30016-08  227-30017-08

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