Page 41 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 41

Example of Analyzing a Cold Remedy

              Gradient elution with a Shim-pack MAqC-ODS I column was used for simultaneous analysis of components contained in an over-the-counter
             commercial cold remedy. The ability to use gradient elution enables the acquisition of sharp peaks, even for components that eluted slowly, similar
             to the water soluble vitamin and drug impurity examples on the prior page.

                                                                               1. Thiamine
                                                                               2. Acetaminophen
                                                                               3. Caffeine
                                                                               4. Chlorpheniramine
                                                                               5. Ethenzamide
                                                                               6. Isopropylantipyrine
                                                                               7. Ibuprofen
                                                                               *1 Nitric acid
                                                                               *2 Maleic acid

           Column    :  Shim-pack MAqC-ODS I (150 mmL. × 4.6 mmI.D., 5 μm)
                       (P/N: 228-59936-91)
           Mobile Phase  :  A) 20 mmol/L phosphate (Na) buffer solution (pH 2.5)
                       B)  Acetonitrile
                       A/B = 99/1 - 2min – 99/1 – 6min – 50/50 – 10min – 50/50 - 0.01min - 99/1 - 5 min
           Flow Rate   :  1.0 mL/min
           Col. Temp.   :  40 °C
           Detection   :  UV 220 nm
           Injection Vol.  :  10 μL

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              Product Information

              Particle Size       I.D. (mm)    2.0             4.6
                (μm)     Length (mm)
                 5             150          228-59936-94    228-59936-91
           * To use this column efficiently:
           1) To increase the retention of basic compounds, please use a buffer solution within the pH 2 to 4 range.
           2) In the case of a basic substance tailing, it may be possible to improve the peak shape by increasing the salt concentration of a buffer solution.
           3) The elution of basic compounds is faster by increasing the salt concentration, and it is possible to adjust retention by salt concentration.

           This product developed by collaboration with Eisai Co., Ltd.
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