Page 4 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 4


            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Shimadzu Pesticide MRM Library

                                         Support for LC/MS/MS
            No.C135                      David R. Baker, Alan Barnes, Neil Loftus

                                         Shimadzu Corporation, UK

            n Abstract                                         n Using the Shimadzu Pesticide MRM Library
            To help expand capabilities in LC/MS/MS pesticide   Expanding pesticide monitoring programmes (or
            monitoring programs we have created the Shimadzu   creating focused methods) can be quickly set up using
            Pesticide MRM Library. The Library has been created   the Library data base (Table 1) and create fully
            with 766 certified reference standards and has been   optimized MRM methods for LC/MS/MS analysis.
            verified for use with Shimadzu LCMS-8050 and 8060
            systems.                                           Users select the target pesticides and corresponding
                                                               transitions from the Library and simply copy the list into
            The Library contains information that can be used to   a Shimadzu LabSolutions analytical method. The
            accelerate method development in LC/MS/MS pesticide   method will include optimized MRM transitions. Once
            analysis including;                                the acquisition method is created users can start to
                                                               acquire data for screening or quantitative LC/MS/MS
                An average of 8 MRM transitions for each       analysis.
                reference standard (with optimized collision
                energies) are registered in the database including   Table 1  The Shimadzu Pesticide MRM Library supports a list
                positive and negative ionization mode. In total,      of over 766 compounds. Designed to build extended
                more than 6,000 MRM transitions are part of the       LC/MS/MS methods quickly and to review pesticide
                Library.                                              information easily.
                Meta-data for each library entry such as CAS#,                   Library entries
                formula, activity, mono-isotopic mass and adduct   Compound information  Compound Name
                masses, rank of MRM transitions, synonyms, InChI,                    Synonyms
                InChIKey, compound names translation (Japanese                       Japanese name
                and Chinese) and links to websites offering further                  Chinese name
                information (, PAN pesticide                             CAS
                database, Chemical Book, ChemSpider). The meta-                      Chemical Formula
                                                                                     Mono-isotopic mass
                data is intended not only to set up new methods                      Theoretical m/z ([M+H]+,
                quickly but to help search for compound                              [M+Na]+, [M+K]+, [M+NH4]+,
                properties.                                                          [M-H]-)
            Key words; Pesticide MRM Library,                                        InChI
                       766 compound library                                          InChIKey
                                                                 MS/MS parameters    Ionization mode
                                                                                     Q1 (m/z)
                                                                                     Q3 (m/z)
                                                                                     Q1 Pre Bias
                                                                                     Q3 Pre Bias
                                                                 Web links 
                                                                                     PAN Pesticide Database
                                                                                     Chemical Book
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