Page 3 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
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Solutions for
                  Food Safety                                                                          Index

            Application Notebook

              Analysis of Sulfamic Acid in Fertilizers Using LC/MS (LCMS-2020)
              Good quantitative results were obtained, con rming the applicability of this method using byproduct compound fertilizer as the actual sample
              Analysis of Nitrous Acid and Ammonium Thiocyanate in Fertilizers
              An example of simultaneous analysis of the nitrous acid and ammonium thiocyanate content of fertilizer by HPLC
              Analysis of Melamine and Its Related Substances in Fertilizers
              An example of pretreating and analyzing melamine and its related substances in fertilizer by HPLC

              Ultra-Sensitive and Rapid Assay of Neonicotinoids, Fipronil and Some Metabolites in Honey by UHPLC-MS/MS
              A method for ultra-sensitive assay of neonicotinoids in honey was set up
              Sensitive method for the determination of Fipronil and its metabolite Fipronil Sulfone in egg using QuEChERS
              sample pretreatment and LC-MS/MS detection [LCMS-8060]
              High sensitive LC-MS/MS method with simpli ed QuEChERS sample pretreatment was developed for Fipronil determination in egg

              High Sensitivity Analysis of Peanut Allergen in Cumin and Spice Mix (LCMS-8060)
              A method for the analysis of peanut allergen Ara h1 in spices and seasonings was successfully developed

              Fast and High Sensitivity Analysis of Six Preservatives in Beverages by UHPLC with Photodiode Array Detection
              A rapid and high sensitivity UHPLC method for quantitation of six preservatives in beverages was established

              Development of An UHPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Thirteen Bisphenols in Milk Samples
              An UHPLC system with a high sensitivity  uorescence detector was adopted to develop a fast and high sensitivity method to meet the requirements of
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