Page 2 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
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Solutions for
                  Food Safety                                                                          Index

            Application Notebook

              Shimadzu Pesticide MRM Library Support for LC/MS/MS
              The Library contains information that can be used to accelerate method development in LC/MS/MS pesticide analysis
              Expanding Capabilities in Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis Using The LCMS-8060
              The expanded capability to help accelerate method development work ows and support increased pesticide monitoring programs
              Applying ‘MRM Spectrum Mode’ and Library Searching for Enhanced Reporting Con dence in Routine Pesticide
              Residue Analysis
              It was applied to quantify and identify 193 pesticides using 1,291 MRM transitions without compromising limits of detection, linearity or repeatability
              LC/MS/MS Method Package for Residual Pesticides Ver. 2 [Brochure]
              Pesticide Screening Analysis for 646 Pesticides in 10.5 Minutes
              LabSolutions Insight Library Screening [Brochure]
              Software helps with screening target components
              Using the Nexera UC Online SFE-SFC-MS System to Analyze Residual Pesticides in Agricultural Products
              An example of using the Nexera UC online SFE-SFC-MS system to analyze residual pesticides in agricultural products
              Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticides Using Nexis GC-2030
              An analysis of organophosphorus pesticides using Nexis GC-2030 equipped with the FPD-2030 was reported

            Veterinary Drugs
              Quantitative Analysis of Veterinary Drugs Using the Shimadzu LCMS-8050 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
              An example of the high-sensitivity analysis of 89 veterinary drugs in a crude extract of livestock and  shery products
              Multi-Residue Veterinary Drug Analysis of >200 Compounds using MRM Spectrum Mode by LC-MS/MS
              In this research, use of the MRM Spectrum mode was examined by quantifying and identifying 212 veterinary drugs

            Natural toxins
              Analysis of Nivalenol, Deoxynivalenol, 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol and 15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol Using Triple
              Quadrupole LC/MS/MS (LCMS-8050)
              The test methods speci ed for deoxynivalenol are HPLC for both qualitative and quantitative analysis, and LC/MS for veri cation testing
              Multi-Residue Analysis of 18 Regulated Mycotoxins by LC/MS/MS
              A single LC/MS/MS method was developed and limits of quantification were at or below the maximum levels set in the EC/1886/2006 document
              Assay of A atoxin M1 in Milk Based on Noti cation Test Methodology, Using Prominence-i and the RF-20AXS
              Fluorescence Detector
              High sensitive analysis method of AFM1 in milk by HPLC with  uorescence detection was evaluated
              Analysis of Mycotoxins in Grain Using Mycotoxin Screening System
              The screening analysis for mycotoxins in grain products using the i-Series Solution Package mycotoxin screening system
              Mycotoxin Screening System (i-Series Solution Package) [Brochure]
              EU criteria concentrations of 10 mycotoxin components detected with high sensitivity in only 14 Minutes
              Analysis of Diarrhetic Shell sh Toxin Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS (LCMS-8050)
              Instrumental analysis of shell sh by LC/MS/MS offers high sensitivity and accuracy, making it a highly effective analytical method

              Analysis of Residual Antimicrobials in Meat with Antimicrobial Screening System (Part 1)
              An example screening analysis targeting 12 widely used quinolones (old quinolones, new quinolones)
              Analysis of Residual Antimicrobials in Meat with Antimicrobial Screening System (Part 2)
              An example screening analysis of 12 antimicrobial target compounds including sulfanomides
              Antimicrobial Screening System (i-Series Solution Package) [Brochure]
              Screening of 24 synthetic antimicrobial compounds that remain in meat
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