Page 40 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 40

No. SSI-LCMS-106

               Table 4: Calculated concentrations for the low, mid, and high-level standards for all targets in EPA Method 8327.

                                                         5 ppt               40 ppt             200 ppt

                  Compound      RT (min)   Conc      %      Signal/noise   Conc    %        Conc       %
                                                  Recoveries   (S/N)            Recoveries          Recoveries

                PFBA           3.382     4.48     90        3.28       42.37    106       196.7     98
                M4PFBA         3.378     4.65     93        72.36      40.14    100       200.1     100
                PFPeA          3.897     5.20     104       21.57      41.49    104       200.8     100
                M5PFPeA        3.892     5.09     102       268.79     40.34    101       202.3     101
                4-2 FTS        4.333     4.56     91        212.65     41.08    103       199.8     100
                M2-4-2 FTS     4.319     4.82     96        71.11      41.48    104       200.8     100
                PFHxA          4.544     4.95     99        44.95      41.10    103       198.3     99
                M5PFHxA        4.542     4.99     100       830.68     40.57    101       198.5     99
                PFBS           4.676     4.25     85        9.21       38.96    97        195.2     98
                M3PFBS         4.674     5.15     103       172.98     39.32    98        202.2     101
                PFHpA          5.219     4.99     100       37.17      39.01    98        196.1     98
                M4PFHpA        5.217     4.93     99        1247.7     38.68    97        199.6     100
                PFPeS          5.399     5.31     106       196.02     41.15    103       199.6     100
                6-2 FTS        5.586     4.25     85        75.54      37.33    93        183.1     92
                M2-6-2 FTS     5.591     4.94     99        61.36      39.19    98        205.0     103
                PFOA           5.826     4.61     92        46.56      40.05    100       198.7     99
                M8PFOA         5.827     4.50     90        611.9      41.73    104       195.5     98
                PFHxS          6.062     5.69     114       (INF)      41.34    103       195.3     98
                M3PFHxS        6.064     5.08     102       (INF)      41.46    104       204.1     102
                PFNA           6.401     3.83     77        23.64      38.10    95        198.9     100
                M9PFNA         6.397     5.13     103       292.26     39.58    99        195.4     98
                8-2 FTS        6.681     4.04     81        (INF)      33.29    83        200.1     100
                M2-8-2 FTS     6.673     4.92     98        31.79      35.90    90        198.6     99
                PFHpS          6.663     4.35     87        (INF)      41.09    103       197.8     99
                N-MeFOSAA      7.005     5.30     106       (INF)      39.93    100       208.6     104
                d3-NMeFOSAA    7.001     5.98     120       (INF)      39.33    98        197.8     99
                PFDA           6.93      5.45     109       64.37      40.68    102       201.1     101
                M6PFDA         6.927     5.02     100       596.91     39.27    98        201.5     101
                N-EtFOSAA      7.221     5.67     113       14.63      38.42    96        202.8     101
                d5-NEtFOSAA    7.221     5.45     109       (INF)      44.72    112       200.8     100
                PFOS           7.204     5.39     108       (INF)      34.56    86        196.8     98
                M8PFOS         7.201     4.71     94        (INF)      36.86    92        195.4     98
                PFUnA          7.426     5.42     108       21.82      41.21    103       197.1     99
                M7PFUnA        7.423     5.34     107       545.68     43.51    109       203.8     102
                PFNS           7.705     4.94     99        (INF)      44.30    111       198.2     99
                PFDoA          7.893     5.14     103       54.66      37.82    95        205.8     103
                M2PFDoA        7.889     5.11     102       (INF)      39.36    98        202.2     101
                FOSA           8.207     4.95     99        (INF)      41.83    105       200.8     100
                M8FOSA         8.215     4.94     99        1663.83    41.12    103       201.9     101
                PFDS           8.188     4.94     99        (INF)      41.55    104       200.1     100
                PFTriA         8.359     4.40     88        43.58      42.18    105       198.1     99
                PFTreA         8.816     4.66     93        21.34      39.44    99        199.8     100
                M2PFTreA       8.82      4.48     99        1703.08    37.43    94        198.0     99
               (*) INF: S/N value when background noise is zero for a compound.

               Table 5 outlines the Accuracy (spike %recovery) and   Tables 6-9 outline the surrogate percent recoveries
               precision (%RSD) of targets and surrogates spiked at   and precision (%RSD) spiked at 160 ng/L in, reagent
               80 ng/L in reagent water. The mean recovery for all   water, ground water, surface water and wastewater
               compounds were within 70 to 130% and the           samples. Surrogate recoveries for all PFASs tested
               precision (%RSD) were ≤ 20%, well within the QA    were within 70 to 130% as required by the method
               criteria outlined in drafted EPA method 8327.      acceptance criteria and the precision (RSD%) were ≤
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