Page 26 - Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Solution Guide
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Characteristic analysis
                  Quality Control

                     Quantitation & Spectrum Confirmation                                                                               UV-1900i

                                        Quantitation of Double-stranded DNA
                                                                                                                                        The UV-1900i spectrophotometer features a space-saving and ergonomic hard design. It is equipped with a color touch panel and adopts a user   Modification
                                – Trace Measurement Using TrayCell and Nano Stick –                                                     interface (UI) that realizes "Easy to Operate, Obtain Answers Easily and Rapidly". In addition, Six types of measurement conditions are built in: 1.   Target selection
                                                                                                                                        Oligonucleotide quantification, 2. Lowry method, 3. BCA method, 4. CBB (Bradford method), 5. Biuret method, and 6. UV absorption method. It
                                                                                                 click here                             also has a screen shot function on the operation panel, so you can easily extract measurement results without connecting to a PC. A 10 mm square
                                                                                                                                        cell requires a sample volume of approximately 4 mL, but the TrayCell or Nano Stick can be used to measure trace amounts of about 2 μL to 4 μL.

                                        •    It enables spectrum acquisition with ultrafast scanning at a maximum speed of 29,000 nm/min.
                                        •   The use of TrayCell (manufactured by Hellma Analytics) and Nano Stick (manufactured

                                          by SINCO) enables measurement from a sample volume of as little as 3 μL.
                                        •    The quantitative value of oligonucleotide concentration can be calculated by                                                                                                                    Excision
                                          using the oligonucleotide quantification function in Biomethod.                                                                                                                                  Unprotected  Oligomer synthesis

                        Methods and Results

                     Sample   Double-stranded DNA
                     Conc., Volume 1 ~ 300 ng/mL, 2 µL
                     Preparation  Dilution in ultrapure water to the concentrations above.
                     Analytical   As shown in Table 1
                     Conditions                                        1.  The sample is placed in the central
                     Method for   We prepared ds DNA and prepared standard samples at 27.5,   silver region.  2. set the lid on
                     measuring   55, 110, 220, and 440 ng/μL (ultrapure water was used as the
                     Double-  dilution solution). For samples with unknown concentrations, we                                                                                                                                              Purification
                     Stranded DNA  prepared the same DNA by ethanol precipitation. The TrayCell
                     using TrayCell  can be changed to optical path lengths of 1.0 mm and 0.2 mm                                        High Performance to Meet Diverse Needs
                              by using two different lids. In this test, we used a lid with an
                              optical path length of 1.0 mm, dropped 4 μL, and measured                                                  High Speed Scan       Spectra can be acquired as fast as 29,000 nm/min. Ultra-fast scan is effective in tracking chemical
                              under the conditions shown in Table 1 (Fig. 1).                                                                                  reactions in a short time. In addition to the absorbance change at specified wavelengths, spectra can
                     Method for   We prepared standard and unknown samples of ds DNA as well   4.  After measurement, wipe the                                 also be acquired in a short time with the UV-1900i.
                     measuring Double- as the above TrayCell. We also set the anallysis conditions as   3. Set the cell holder with Traycell  sample with a Kim wipe.  Therefore, more detailed behavior can be investigated by observing spectra with the UV-1900i.
                     Stranded DNA   shown in Table 1. The optical path length of the Nano Stick was
                     using Nano Stick  0.5 mm, and the sample volume was measured at 3 μL (Fig. 2).                                      Low Stray Light       Stray light is at 0.5 % max. (198 nm), making accurate measurements are possible up to the vicinity
                                                                                                                                                               of 2 Abs even in the ultraviolet region. In addition, high-concentration samples can be quantified
                     Results  Figures 3 and 4 show the calibration curve and UV spectrum
                              results when measured using TrayCell and Nano Stick. Both                                                                        accurately.
                              results indicate a highly linear calibration curve. We repeatedly
                              measured 440 ng/μL 10 times. As a result, the correlation                                                  High Reproducibility and   High repeatability of less than 0.0002 Abs reduces variation in measurement results. And it enables
                              function and CV value were calculated, and it was confirmed                                                Repeatability Accuracy  more accurate quantitative analysis and detection of lower concentrations of samples.
                              that the measurement was performed accurately.
                                                                           Figure 2   What the Nano Stick Looks Like and How To Use It   A Diversity           UV-1900i features 6 measurement modes: Photometric, Spectral, Quantitative, Kinetics, Timecourse,   Quality Control
                                                                                                                                         of Measurement Modes  and BioMethod.
                                    Table 1  Analysis Conditions                                                                                                                                                                             Characteristic analysis
                     Wavelength (calibration curve): 260 nm, 320 nm                                 ー  Unknown sample
                     Wavelength range:   220 nm ~ 330 nm                                            ー 440ng/µL
                                                                                                    ー   Unknown concentration
                     Scan Speed :     Low                                                            sample (3 times dilution)          Full Support for Pharmacopeia, GLP/GMP, FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and Other Regulations
                                                                                                    ー 220ng/µL
                     Sampling Pitch:  1 nm                                                          ー 110ng/µL                           Instrument Validation Functions   This instrument can not only run checks for nine JIS items, but also those stipulated in the Japanese
                                                                                                    ー 55ng/µL
                                                                                                    ー 27.5ng/µL
                                                                                                                                         Compliant with JP, USP, and EP  Pharmacopoeia (JP), United States Pharmacopeia (USP), and the European Pharmacopoeia (EP).
                                                                                                                                                               Naturally, the hardware is also compliant with the specifications required by each Pharmacopeia. In
                                                                                                                                                               addition, the check conditions can be saved. As a result, once the conditions are saved, checks can
                                                                                                                                                               be performed easily just by calling them up as needed. Check results can also be saved.  DDS
                                                                              Figure 3   Results of measurements using TrayCell          Resolution of 1 nm,    In addition to achieving a resolution of 1 nm, the highest in its class, by using a monochromator
                                                                                                                                         the Highest in its Class  with a Czerny-Turner mounting, the UV-1900i also features a compact, bright optical system. The
                                                                                                                                                               instrument is more than capable of meeting the wavelength resolution required in the European   Pharmacokinetics
                                                                                                    ー  Unknown sample
                                                                                                    concentration                                              Pharmacopoeia.
                                                                                                    ー 440ng/µL
                                                                                                    ー   Unknown concentration            Improved Security Functions  An external control security function has been added to provide more support for compliance with
                                                                                                     sample (3 times dilution)
                                                                                                    ー 220ng/µL                                                 regulations. Three user authority levels, "Administrator", "Developer", and "Operator", can be set
                                                                                                    ー 110ng/µL
                                                                                                    ー 55ng/µL                                                  for instrument users.
                                                                                                    ー 27.5ng/µL
                                    Figure 1   TrayCell Appearance                                                                       Support for Regulations and   Ensuring the integrity of data (database management), including the user management, user
                                                                                                                                         Guidelines            authority management, and data audit trails required for compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11, PIC/S
                                                                                                                                                               GMP guidelines, and other ER/ES regulations is possible.
                                                                                                                                                               LabSolutions DB UV-Vis or UVProbe / LabSolutions DB System allows for data management and user
                                                                            Figure 4   Results of measurements using the Nano Stick                            management with a database. Compliant with ER/ES regulations, the system is optimally configured
                        Conclusions                                                                                                                            for customers using a PC.                                                   Other
                                                                                                                                                               LabSolutions CS UV-Vis or UVProbe / LabSolutions CS System (Network System) is optimally
                     This application news has shown that the UV-1900i, TrayCell, and Nano Stick can be used to make accurate and simple measurements even for   configured for customers who want to manage data on a server together with LC and GC data for
                     small samples of the order of several μL.                                                                                                 ER/ES compliance.
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