Page 22 - Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Solution Guide
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Characteristic analysis
                  Quality Control

                     Molecular Weight Confirmation & Quantitation                                                                       LCMS-8060NX

                               Quantitation and Confirmation of Molecular
                                                                                                                                        LCMS-8060 NX is the culmination of Shimadzu’s expertise in triple quadrupole mass spectrometry which boasts increased robustness while   Modification
                                  Weight of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics                                                                maintaining the high sensitivity and ultra-fast acquisition speeds that are the hallmark of Shimadzu’s technology.  Target selection
                                                                                                                                        In response to work-flow changes and the need for cost reductions in recent years, the market for LC-MS systems has diversified, and there is a
                                                                                                 click here                             demand for highly efficient systems that are robust and easy to operate in addition to being highly sensitive. Therefore, LCMS -8060 NX adopts
                                                                                                                                        a unique new ion source, the Ion Focus unit (Patent No. 6593548, US 10546740), that efficiently introduces ions into the mass spectrometer and
                                                                                                                                        removes unnecessary neutrals. In addition, technologies such as UF-Qarray II and UF-Lens II, which have been reengineered to be even more resistant
                                        •    High sensitivity quantitation and molecular weight confirmation are possible               to contamination, are incorporated to minimize equipment downtime and improve laboratory operational efficiency.
                                          with one system.
                           benefits     •    Ease of maintenance helps minimize analytical downtime.
                                                                                                                                                                                  UFsweeper III collision cell
                                                                                                                                                                                 UFsweeper is a unique Shimadzu technology which             Excision
                        Methods and Results                                                                                                  Ultra-fast power supply             effectively sweeps ions from the collision cell without   Ultra-fast detector  Unprotected
                                                                                                                                                                                 deceleration. Crosstalk is virtually eliminated and
                                                                                                                                            The unique high-voltage power supply enables high-speed polarity   high-sensitivity   analysis is maintained, even at high   A detector boasting ultra-fast response
                                                                                                                                            switching in 5 ms for high-throughput simultaneous analysis of   acquisition speeds. The high-speed transport   enables sensitive and stable signal detection   Oligomer synthesis
                     Sample   5'-mG-mC*-mC*-mU*-mC*-dA-dG-dT-dC*-dT-dG-dC*-dT-                                                              multiple analytes.                   technology of UFsweeper III minimizes ion loss even   even with a short pause time, dwell time and
                              dT-dC*-mG-mC*-mA-mC*-mC*-3‘                                                                                                                        at the highest data acquisition rate of 0.8 msec.   polarity switching time.
                              m: 2'-O-(2-methoxyethyl) nucleoside (2'-MOE)                                                                                                       Increase laboratory throughput with an MRM speed
                              * : Indicates 5-C or 5-U methylation                                                                         IonFocus unit                         of 555 channels per second.
                              D : 2'-deoxynucleoside                                                                                       (newly-developed ESI probe)
                              Average mass : 6436.39
                     Conc., Volume 1 ~ 300 ng/mL, 2 µL
                     Preparation  Dilution in ultrapure water to the concentrations above.
                     Analytical   Table 1 shows the HPLC and MS method conditions. An ionpair
                     Conditions  reagent is generally used in reversed phase separation of
                     Results  Fig. 1 shows a representative chromatogram acquired in                                                                                                                                Quadrupole rods        Purification
                              MRM mode and the calibration curve. The calibration                                                                                                                                 A high-performance hyperbolic mass
                              curve was prepared from 1 to 300 ng/mL. Fig. 2 shows the                                                                                                                            filter with a proven track record
                              mass chromatogram measured in scan mode. In the mass   Figure 2   Mass Chromatogram of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics                                                                 maintains high ion transmittance
                              chromatogram, hexavalent, heptavalent, and octavalent ions                                                                                                                          and high sensitivity, even at a
                              were selected. Figure 3 shows the mass spectrum. Pentavalent to                                                                                                                     scanning rate of 30,000 u/s.
                              octavalent ions were detected. As shown in the deconvolution
                              results, the estimated molecular weight was determined to be
                              6436.37 (theoretical value: 6436.39).
                                    Table 1   Analysis Conditions
                     [HPLC conditions] (Nexera)
                     Column:     C18 Column (50 mm × 2.1 mm I.D., 2.5 µm)
                     Mobil phases:  A) 50 mmol/L HFIP and 10 mmol/L DIPEA B) Acetonitrile
                     Gradient Program:  B Conc. 5%(0-0.5 min) – 15%(0.5-3 min)
                     Flow rate:  0.2 mL/min
                     Column Temp.:  60 °C
                     Injection volume:  2 µL                                                                                               UF-Qarray II, UF-Lens II                                                                        Quality Control
                                                                                                                                                 Re-engineered ion guide improves                                                            Characteristic analysis
                     [MS  conditions] (LCMS-8060)                                                                                                robustness without compromising   UF-Qarray II       UF-Lens II
                     Ionization:  ESI(Negative mode)                                                                                             on sensitivity. Maintenance of
                     Probe Voltage:  -4 kV                                                                                                       UF-Qarray II and UF-Lens II can be
                     Mode:       Full-scan (m/z 500 - 2000)   MRM(m/z 803.5 > 95.0)                                                              performed easily without tools.
                     CID gas:    330 kPa
                     Nebulizing gas flow:  3.0 L/min  Drying gas flow:  8.0 L/min
                     Heating gas flow:  12.0 L/min  DL Temp.:  300 °C      Figure 3   Mass Spectra of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics
                     Heat Blok Temp.:  450 °C  Interface Temp.:  250 °C
                                                                                                                                        Ion Focus
                                                                                                                                        The ESI (Electrospray ionization) method, which is widely used as an                               DDS
                                                                                                                                        ionization method for LC/MS, applies a high voltage to a nebulized
                                                                                                                                        sample spray, creating charged droplets. Desolvation results in gas                                  Pharmacokinetics
                                                                                                                                        phase ions which are introduced into the mass spectrometer. However,
                                                                                                                                        neutrals and  matrix can enter the  mass spectrometer, causing
                                                                                                                                        contamination and a decrease in sensitivity. If the spray position is
                                                                                                                                        moved further from the MS inlet in order to mitigate contamination,
                                                                                                                                        both neutral contaminants and ions of interest are effected, resulting in
                                                                                                                                        reduced sensitivity.
                                                                                                                                        The new Ion Focus unit has been designed to solve this problem. The
                       Figure 1   MRM Chromatograms of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics and                                                 focus electrode for ion transport allows only ions of interest to be
                                  Calibration Curve                          Figure 4   Results of Multivalent Ion Analysis             drawn into the mass spectrometer. As a result, unnecessary solvents
                        Conclusions                                                                                                     and matrix can be removed, making it possible to achieve both high                                 Other
                                                                                                                                        sensitivity analysis and an extremely robust system.
                     High-speed, high-sensitivity triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry enables molecular weight estimation and quantitative analysis of oligonucleotide

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