Page 20 - Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Solution Guide
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Characteristic analysis
                  Quality Control

                     Molecular Weight Confirmation & Quantitation                                                                       LCMS-9030

                                  Molecular Weight Determination and Quantitation of Oligonucleotide
                                                                                                                                        LCMS-9030 is a quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometer with two types of ion mass separation mechanisms: quadrupole and time-of-  Modification
                               Therapeutics Using Quadrupole Time-of- Flight Mass Spectrometer LCMS-9030                                flight. Unique technologies abound, such as technology to improve ion utilization efficiency, processing technology to produce high-strength fine   Target selection
                                                                                                                                        grid electrodes, high-precision temperature control, and optimization of potential distribution, enabling data acquisition with both high sensitivity
                                                                                                 click here                             and high resolution while maintaining stable mass accuracy.
                                                                                                                                        Since oligonucleotide therapeutics have a molecular weight of 6000 or more at 20 bases, high-precision mass spectrometers such as Q-TOF mass
                                                                                                                                        spectrometers are used to confirm the molecular weight.
                                        •    High-resolution mass spectra provide more accurate molecular weight
                           benefits     •    Achieves stable mass accuracy without frequent mass calibration.                                                                                                                                Excision

                        Methods and Results                                                                                                                                                                                                Unprotected  Oligomer synthesis

                     Sample   5'-mG-mC*-mC*-mU*-mC*-dA-dG-dT-dC*-dT-dG-dC*-dT-
                              m: 2‘-O-(2-Methoxyethyl) nucleoside (2-MOE)
                              * : 5-methylated derivatives of C and U
                              D : 2’-deoxyribonucleoside
                              Monoisotopic mass: 6431.7239
                     Conc., Volume 1 ~ 1000 ng/mL, 5 µL
                     Preparation  Dilution in ultrapure water to the concentrations above.
                     Analytical   The HPLC and MS analysis conditions are shown in
                     Conditions  Table 1. In this analysis, HFIP (1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol)                                                                                                                                       Purification
                              and DIPEA (N, N-diisopropylethylamine) were used in the mobile
                              phase to allow highly sensitive measurement to be performed.
                     Results  Figure 1 shows the mass spectrum extracted from the scan mode
                              data. In the mass spectrum, multi-charged ions such as those at   Figure 1   Mass Spectra of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics
                              m/z 1071.6, 918.4 and 803.5 were detected.
                              The m/z values of these multi-charged ions were deconvoluted
                              and Figure 2 shows the results of molecular mass calculation. As
                              shown in the deconvolution spectrum, the monoisotopic mass
                              was 6431.72 with a mass error of 3 mDa (0.05 ppm).
                              The calibration curve is shown in Figure 3 insert, The calibration
                              curve was prepared from 1 - 1000 ng/mL. The correlation
                              coefficient (r ) was 0.996. Figure 3 shows representative
                              chromatograms obtained using multiple reaction monitoring
                              (MRM) mode. The octavalent ion at m/z
                              803.4626 was selected as a precursor ion. The product
                              ion at m/z 94.9358 (PSO2-) was used for quantitation.                                                     Simple Ionization Unit                                                                             Quality Control
                                    Table 1   Analysis Conditions                                                                       In addition to the standard ESI ionization unit,                                                     Characteristic analysis
                     [HPLC conditions] (Nexera)                                                                                         optional APCI and Dual Ion Source (DUIS) probes
                     Column:      Shim-pack Scepter C18 (75 mm × 2.0 mm I.D.,1.9 µm)                                                    are available for the LCMS-9030 to meet various
                     Mobile phases:  A)50 mmol/L HFIP and 10 mmol/L DIPEA        Figure 2   Deconvolution spectra                       analytical needs. Shimadzu's DUIS offers an
                     Gradient Program  B5% (0-0.5 min) – 15%(0.5-6 min)                                                                 efficient combination of ESI and APCI ionization
                     Flow rate :  0.2 mL/min                                                                                            capabilities.
                     Column Temp. :  50 °C
                     Injection volume :  5 µL
                     [MS conditions] (LCMS-9030)                                                                                                                                                                                           DDS
                     Ionization:  ESI(Negative mode)
                     Probe Voltage:  -3 kV                                                                                              Calibrant Delivery                                                                                   Pharmacokinetics
                     Mode:        Full-scan (m/z 500-3000)
                                  MRM(803.4626>94.9358)                                                                                 System (CDS)
                     Nebulizing gas flow:  3.0 L/min
                     Drying gas flow:  10.0 L/min                                                                                       The CDS allows calibration standards to be introduced via a separate ionization probe that
                     Heating gas flow:  10.0 L/min                                                                                      functions independently from the main probe. This optional sub-ionization unit is installed in the
                     DL Temp.:    250 °C                                                                                                main probe housing and is available for all probe types (ESI/APCI/DUIS). By having two probes
                     Heat Block Temp.:  400 °C
                     Interface Temp.:  350 °C                        Figure 3   MRM Chromatograms of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics  and Calibration Curve  in one system, high-concentration calibration standards can be introduced only when needed
                                                                                                                                        without switching flow lines, and are kept in isolation from the sample stream, eliminating
                        Conclusions                                                                                                                                                                                                        Other

                     Accurate mass spectrometry using the Q-TOF mass spectrometer LCMS-9030 determined the molecular mass with an error of 0.05 ppm.
                     Additionally, linearity was observed within a range of 1 - 1000 ng/mL.

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