Page 17 - Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Solution Guide
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Characteristic analysis
 Quality Control

 Sequence Confirmation & Molecular Weight Confirmation  LCMS-9030 / MALDI-8030

 Analysis of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics
               The LCMS-9030 is a Q-TOF type mass spectrometer with two types of ion mass separation mechanisms: quadrupole and time-of-flight. While high-  Modification
 using MALDI-8030 and LCMS-9030  resolution and high-precision ESI mass spectrometers enable precise mass measurement of oligonucleotides, routine oligonucleotide sequence   Target selection
               analysis using ESI-MS is still difficult, and complete internal oligo-sequences are rarely obtained using these general ESI-MS/MS techniques. The
 click here    reason for this is that the Collision-induced dissociation (CID) used in ESI-MS/MS has difficulty in obtaining fragment ions that are effective for the
               internal sequence assignment of oligonucleotides.
               On the other hand, in-source decay (ISD) using MALDI-TOF MS was reported as a useful method to conduct sequence analysis , although the
               instruments often employed do not have sufficient specification for exact mass measurement.
 •    Confident characterization of oligonucleotides
 •    Elemental formula confirmation by ESI-QTOF             1)  Shimizu H, Jinno F, Morohashi A, Yamazaki Y, Yamada M, Kondo T, Asahi S. J Mass  Spectrom.
                                                              2012 Aug;47(8):1015-22.
 benefits  •    Information of sequence by MALDI-ISD
                                                 New TOF Technologies       UFgrating (Pat. US 10020181)         Unprotected  Excision  Oligomer synthesis
  Methods and Results  -5                                                   Ion accumulation in the collision cell,
 1342.1297                                     UFgrating (Pat. US 10020181)  synchronized perfectly with short cycles of data
 ESI mass spectrum
 8.0e4                                                                      acquisition, maximizes sensitivity.
 Sample  Phosphorothioated oligonucleotides, differing in the structure   Deconvoluted spectrum  6.0e4  1.80e5  Shimadzu’s world-class manufacturing capability
 of the sugar constituents (Figure 1)  1.8e5  6714.6792 6715.6719 6716.6738  4.0e4  1118.2749  1677.9125  has enabled the ion acceleration electrode to be
 LNA-Oligo (m/z 6711.6731)  S-Oligo (m/z 6431.7240)  1.6e5  2.0e4  1364.4985  1691.8940  made with substantial mechanical strength. This   UF-FlightTube (Patent Pending)
 1.4e5  6717.6802  512.9966  958.3779  1376.6822  1705.8738  2237.5522  2897.1761
 Conc., Volume 10 pmol/µL, 1 µL  1.2e5  6713.6768  0.0e0 500  1000  1500  2000  2500  grating is able to withstand the high voltages   With excellent architecture, the UF-FlightTube
 m/z                                           needed for ultrafast ion pulsing.  prevents and withstands subtle deformations
 Preparation  Dilution in ultrapure water to the concentrations above.  1.0e5  6718.6816  caused by temperature changes, affording
 6.0e4  6712.6768  6719.6802                                                stability of performance.
 Molecular   An exact mass measurement in negative ion detection was   4.0e4  [M]  6720.6807  Traditional mesh electrodes for ion
 weight   conducted using a LCMS-9030.   2.0e4  6711.6733  6721.6821  6722.6753  transmission lack mechanical strength,   iRefTOF (Pat. US 8772708, 9490114)
 confirmation  The solvent consisted of 50 mmol/L HFIP, 10 mmol/L DIPEA, and   0.0e0  6708  6710  6712  Fig. 1 Sequences ofoligonucleotides  6720  6722  6724  6726  質量  limiting acceleration voltage.

 acetonitrile, was applied to the ESI at a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min.  Figure 2   Exact mass measurement of LNA-Oligo  A computationally ideal electrostatic  eld has
 The MS range of the QTOF was set as m/z 500 to 3000.                       become a reality. Meticulously manufactured   Purification
 Deconvolution of ESI spectra was performed with ReSpect in   Shimadzu’ s UFgrating has superior   plate electrodes are stacked to create a re ectron
 LabSolutions Insight.  [M-2H] -                       mechanical strength over   that compensates for the energy distribution of
                                                       conventional electrodes.
 Results  Multiply-charged ions of the oligos distributed from [M-4H]  to   This unique grating structure makes it   ions with no compromise in either resolution or
 [M-6H]   were observed (Figure 2, inset). Exact masses of two   possible to apply a higher voltage.  sensitivity.
 oligos were successfully obtained by deconvolution of the ESI
 spectra. m/z 6711.6733 was obtained from the ESI-MS of the   [M-H] -
 LNA-Oligo (Figure 2), and m/z 6431.7241 from the S-oligo.
 w 6
 w 5
 Internal   ISD with negative ion detection was performed on a   w 11  Key Technology
 w 2  w 7  w 12
 sequence   MALDI-8030, dual polarity benchtop linear MALDI-TOF MS.  w 8  w 10  w 13
 information   3-HPA (3-hydroxypicolinic acid) and ammonium citrate were   w 3  w 4  w 9  w 14  w 15  The LCMS-9030 uses newly patented technologies to deliver both high resolution and
 analysis  applied to MALDI-ISD measurement as matrix and additives,   w 16  w 17  w 18  w 19
 respectively. Matrix solution and samples were layered on a   accurate mass, attributes  essential  for  confident formula assignment  and  unknown
 stainless MALDI plate. A transition from MS measurement to ISD   identification. The high-efficiency ion guides, quadrupole, and collision cell enable
 in the instrument is quick and easy  by simply increasing laser   high sensitivity for the detection of trace-level compounds. Unique UFgrating and
 irradiation power.       LCMS-9030                                                                              Quality Control
                                             iRefTOF technologies ensure ultrafast acceleration of ions into the flight tube (UF-
 Results  MALDI-ISD ladder sequence confirmation of the LNA-Oligo was                                              Characteristic analysis
 shown in Figure 3.                          FlightTube) and ideal reflection of those ions back to the detector. The result is high-
 Fragment ions, denoted as a- and w-seiries ions, were assigned   Figure 3   ISD of LNA-Oligo, and assignment of a- and w-series ions.  speed data acquisition compatible with the high-throughput laboratory.
 by matching against the theoretical average masses. w-ions
 derived from almost the whole oligo sequences were found in
 the spectra. Only one or two ions derived from the 3’-terminal
 units were missed due to an overlap with the matrix signals.
 In the case of the S-oligo, with the exception of two 5’-terminal
 units, almost a complete series of a-ions were detected. However,
 in the case of LNA-oligo, the detected a-ions corresponded to   Internal Sequence Analysis by
 those derived from the internal sequence, indicating that a-ions
 support confirmation of the sequence.       In-source Decay (ISD)                                               DDS
                                             The ISD cleavage shown in the figure below enables easy sequence analysis even for
                                             MALDI-TOF MS without MS/MS capability.                                Pharmacokinetics
                                                           Cleavage site by ISD
 Figure 1   Sequences of oligonucleotides
  Conclusions                                                             Intensity (%)
 Exact mass measurements using the LCMS-9030 resulted in doubtless consistency between the theoretical and observed masses. ISD
 using the MALDI-8030 resulted in mainly an internal sequence information, which is difficult to obtain with any MS/MS technique. The
 MALDI-ISD and ESI-QTOF are a useful combination to characterize oligonucleotide therapeutics.
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