Page 24 - Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Solution Guide
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Characteristic analysis
                  Quality Control

                     Molecular Weight Confirmation & Quantitation                                                                       LCMS-8060

                                       Quantitative Analysis and Determination of
                                                                                                                                        LCMS -8060 is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer that combines high speed and high sensitivity.The mass range is m/z 2 ~ 2000, and molecular   Modification
                               Molecular Weight by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry                                                  weight estimation of oligonucleotide therapeutics is possible using the deconvolution function of LabSolutions LCMS software.   Target selection
                                                                                                                                        Triple-quadrupole mass spectrometers, which have high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range, are commonly used for quantitative analysis such
                                                                                                 click here                             as pharmacokinetic analysis of drugs, but also offer qualitative capabilities. Precise mass spectrometry such as MALDI-TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS are
                                                                                                                                        frequently used for accurate mass molecular weight determination.

                                        •    High sensitivity quantitation and molecular weight confirmation are possible
                                          with one system.
                           benefits     •    Ease of maintenance helps minimize analytical downtime.                                                                                                                                       Unprotected  Excision

                        Methods and Results                                                                                                                                                                                                    Oligomer synthesis

                     Sample   5‘-pU CGAAGUAUUCCGCGUACG dTdT-3‘
                              Mw: 6646.0 (average mass)
                              5‘-pC GUACGCGGAAUACUUCGA dTdT-3‘
                              Mw: 6669.0 (average mass)
                     Conc., Volume 1 ~ 10000 fmol/L, 10 µL
                     Preparation  Dilution in ultrapure water to the concentrations above.
                     Analytical   As shown in Table 1
                     Conditions                                                                                                                                                                                                            Purification
                     Results  Calibration curves for AS-Oligo and SS-Oligo were obtained
                              from 1 fmol to 10,000 fmol. SIM chromatograms for the injection
                              volumes of 1 fmol (limit of detection, LOD) and 5 fmol (limit of
                              quantitation, LOQ). Figure 1 shows the calibration curves. The   Figure 1   Calculation Curves Obtained from SIM Chromatograms
                              coefficient of determination (R ) was
                              0.997 for AS-Oligo and 0.995 for SS-Oligo. Figure 2 shows the
                              SIM chromatogram of a mixed solution of SSOligo and AS-Oligo
                              (100 fmol each). Using ion pair                                                                           Software Solutions from Acquisition to Data Review
                              chromatography, retention times were 6.88 min and 6.94 min,                                               LabSolutions Connect MRM / LabSolutions Insight
                              respectively, and resolution R was 0.3.
                              Figures 3 and 4 show the mass spectra of the two components.
                              Ions with valences of 4 to 9 were detected in both SS-Oligo and                                           Automatic optimization of MS conditions
                              Deconvolution results estimated the molecular weights of AS-
                              Oligo and SS-Oligo at 6,645.6 and 6,667.1, respectively, with   FIgure 2   SIM Chromatogram               MRM parameters  (precursor ion m/z, product ion m/z,  voltages)  and ion  source parameters  (gas  flow rate,  temperature)  are
                              corresponding errors from the average molecular weights at 0.4                                            automatically optimized.  Just one  round of comprehensive optimization  maximizes sensitivity, taking  into consideration  polarity,
                              Da and 1.9 Da.                                                                                                                                                                                               Quality Control
                                                                                                                                        adduct ions, charge number etc. The results of this process can be viewed on a graph using the data browser function. The MRM   Characteristic analysis
                                                                                                                                        optimization  results screen simultaneously displays a chromatogram, a spectrum, and each  voltage.  From  the  MRM optimization
                                    Table1  Analysis Conditions
                     [HPLC conditions] (Nexera)                                                                                         results screen, check how the signal intensity changes with variations in each parameter.
                     Column:      Commercially available C18colmn
                                  (100 mm × 2.1 mmI.D., 1.7 µm)
                     Mobile phases:  A) 200 mM HFIP*1 and 7.5 mM TEA*2/water
                                  B) Methanol
                     Grandient Program:  B conc. 4%(0 min) – 20%(8.0 min)
                     Flow rate:   0.2 mL/min
                     Column Temp.:  75 °C
                     Injection volume:  10 µL                                                                                                                                                                                              DDS
                                                                                Figure 3   Mass Spectra of AS-Oligo
                     [MS conditions] (LCMS-8060)
                     Ionization:  ESI(Negative mode)
                     Probe Voltage:  -3 kV                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pharmacokinetics
                     Mode:        Q3scan(m/z500-1800)
                                  SIM m/z 1666.0(SS), m/z1659.9(AS)
                     Nebulizing gas flow:  3.0 L/min
                     Drying gas flow:  5.0 L/min
                     Heating gas fow:  15.0 L/min
                     DL Temp.:    250 °C
                     Heat Block Temp.:  500 °C
                     Interface Temp.:  350 °C
                     *1 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol
                     *2 Triethylamine
                                                                                                                                        MRM optimization                              Ion source optimization
                                                                                                                                                                                      Review screen for source optimization graphically displays the successive results of each parameter
                                                                                                                                        Review screen for MRM optimization simultaneously displays precursor ion, product ion, and
                        Conclusions                                              Figure 4   Mass Spectra of SS-Oligo                    voltage results..                             modication.                                          Other

                     Together with accurate quantitative analysis of an siRNA type oligonucleotide using the LCMS-8060 and SIM, molecular weight determination can
                     be made with an error of just a few Da using deconvolution calculation capabilities.
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