Page 68 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 68

3. Summary of i-DReC Settings                        2. A mark indicating whether i-DReC has been applied, the wave-
                                                                  length used for correction, the retention time of the spectrum
            i-DReC parameters are set as part of the data processing param-
                                                                  used for sensitivity correction, and the calculated sensitivity
            eters for the photodiode array detector and can be applied in
                                                                  correction factor can be shown in the peak table and com-
            data processing methods for routine analysis without requiring
                                                                  pound table.
            post-run operations. The following is a summary of parameters
            and their descriptions.                                     Item                  Description
                                                                                    C = peaks to which i-DReC was applied
            1. i-DReC parameters are set in the multi chromatogram table.           E1-E4 = error in i-DReC calculation
                                                                                    For peaks to which i-DReC was applied,
                                                                 DRE wavelength
                                                                                    this is the wavelength used for correction.
                                                                                    For peaks to which i-DReC was applied,
                                                                 DRE factor         this is the absorption ratio used for
                                                                                    sensitivity correction.
                                                                                    For peaks to which i-DReC was applied,
                                                                 DRE time
                                                                                    this is the retention time of the spectrum
                                                                                    used for sensitivity correction.
                                                                 i-DReC requires that spectrum similarity is maintained across the
                                                                 peak. When peak separation is insufficient, i-DReC may not be
                                                                 able to be applied.
                                                                 3. The peak area and height corrected by i-DReC can be used in
                                                                  normal quantitation processes. The simple implementation allows
                                                                  the seamless use of i-DReC for routine analysis.

                  Parameter              Description
             Dynamic range extension  Select whether i-DReC is applied or not.   4. Conclusion
                               When intensity at peak top is over the
             Threshold         threshold, i-DReC is applied to the peak   i-DReC's ability to calculate corrected peak area and height for
                               for correction.
                                                                 high concentration samples is made possible by the improved
             Wavelength for correction  Select whether wavelength for correction
             (manual/auto)     will be set manually or automatically.  performance of the SPD-M30A photodiode array detector and
                               When "Manual" is selected, set the  the excellent reproducibility of the Nexera X2 system. The key fea-
               Ch#             channel number of the chromatogram  tures of i-DReC can be summarized as follows.
                               that will be used.
                                                                    Extension of the linear dynamic range using spectral similarity.
                               When "Auto" is selected, set the target
               Intensity for
                               intensity for determining an appropriate
               correction wavelength                                Simultaneous quantitation of both low and high concentration
                               correction wavelength.
                                                                    compounds in a single injection.
                               When "Auto" is selected, set the direction
                               to search for an appropriate correction     Requires the use of only one PDA detector.
               Direction (+/-)
                               wavelength. (+ = longer wavelength,
                               – = shorter wavelength)              Standard samples are not necessary for correction.
                               Set intensity for extraction of sensitivity
             Intensity to extract                                   Simple method settings allow the use of i-DReC in routine anaysis.
                               correction spectrum.
                               Select whether background compensation   i-DReC can be applied to samples containing a wide range of
             Background compensation is used or not for sensitivity correction
                               spectrum.                         compound concentrations. The use of i-DReC improves the effi-
                                                                 ciency of sample pretreatment processes and laboratory produc-
            The concentration range over which i-DReC effectively extends the   tivity.
            linear dynamic range is dependent upon the shape of the spectrum
            of target peaks. The lower the slope of the spectrum around the
            correction wavelength, the more reliable the correction.

                                                                                                     First Edition: March, 2013

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                               The content of this publication shall not be reproduced, altered or sold for any commercial purpose without the written approval of Shimadzu.
                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                               accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2013
                                                                                               Printed in Japan 3655-02311-15ANS
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