Page 66 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 66

            2. Examples of i-DReC Applications                                                554 nm
            2-1. Extending the Linear Dynamic
                   Range of Calibration Curves
            This section demonstrates the extension of a calibration curve's
            linearity into a high concentration range, using standard solutions
            of Rhodamine with concentrations ranging from 0.01 g/L to 10
            g/L. The following conditions were used for analysis.                  347 nm
                             Analytical Conditions                       0
               Pump        : Shimadzu LC-30AD×2                           200   300   400   500   600   nm
               Detector    : Shimadzu SPD-M30A                                Fig. 2  Spectrum of Rhodamine
               Column oven  : Shimadzu CTO-20AC
               Controller  : Shimadzu CBM-20Alite                      Area (×10 ) 6
               Autosampler  : Shimadzu SIL-30AC
               Mobile phase  : Ammonium formate buffer 45% / ACN 55%    70
               Column      : Shimadzu Shim-pack VP-ODS
                             (4.6 mmL. × 150 mmI.D., 5.0 µm)
               Flow rate   : 1 mL/min
               Column temp.  : 40 °C
               Sampling    : 80 msec                                    50
               Slit width  : 1 nm
               Time constant  : 80 msec
               Wavelength range  : 190 nm-700 nm
               Cell light path  : 10 mm
               Injection volume  : 2 µL                                 30
                                                                                   Calibration points lose linear
            Fig. 2 shows the UV absorbance spectrum of Rhodamine, A Cali-  20      relationship in the high
                                                                                   concentration area.
            bration curve was created based on peak area in the extracted
            chromatogram at 554 nm, the wavelength of maximum absor-
            bance, and is shown in Fig. 3a. At 1 g/L or greater concentration,   0
            the calibration curve exhibits the loss of linear relationship be-  0  2.5  5.0     7.5     10
            tween peak area and concentration.                                 (a) Calibration curve at 554 nm
            Fig. 3b shows the same calibration curve with i-DReC applied to
                                                                       Area (×10 ) 6
            extend the linearity into the high concentration range. In this exam-
            ple, 347 nm was selected manually as the wavelength for correction,
                                                                            Correlation factor
            and the spectrum used for sensitivity correction was extracted at an   R=0.9999078
            intensity of 700 mAU. The original peak area and the corrected peak   200
            area calculated by i-DReC is shown in Table 1. After correction by
            i-DReC, the calibration curve based on the corrected peak areas ex-
            hibited excellent linearity with an unweighted correlation factor of
            0.9999078 and 0.9995750 weighted by 1/(concentration)  over the
            concentration range of 0.01 g/L to 10 g/L.                 100                  Corrected by i-DReC
            Fig. 3C shows the error in concentration values obtained by inverse
            estimation using the i-DReC corrected calibration curve with weight-  50
            ing of 1/(concentration) . Even though the i-DReC corrected calibra-
            tion curve extended the linear range of the original calibration curve   0
            by an order of magnitude, over the full range of concentration, the   0  2.5  5.0   7.5     10
            error in calculated concentration value was within 5%.
                                                                            (b) Linearity range extended by i-DReC
                  Table 1  Calibration points of Rhodamine samples
                                                                       Error (%)
                                 Peak area avarage (uAUsec)  (n=2)
                 #    Conc.(g/L)                                        5
                                   Original      i-DReC
                 1        0.01      267,847      267,847               2.5
                 2        0.02      544,266      544,266
                 3        0.08    2,089,341     2,089,341
                 4        0.1     2,622,781     2,622,781               0  0     2.5     5      7.5     10
                 5        0.2     5,255,999     5,255,999
                 6        0.5     12,072,748   12,282,271              -2.5
                 7        0.8     18,539,104   19,887,814
                 8        1       21,823,608   24,644,792               -5
                 9        2       33,708,885   49,250,552
                 10       5       53,883,445  126,813,723                   (c) Error of corrected calibraition points
                 11       8       65,182,276  198,990,013
                 12     10        71,500,307  245,336,353                  Fig. 3  Calibration curve of Rhodamine
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71