Page 70 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 70


            Technical                    Data Integrity Compliance Using
            Report                       the LabSolutions Report Set

                                         Mamoru Kikumoto 1


            A  recent  topic  related  to  analytical  data  is  the  lack  of  data  integrity  due  to  data  modification  and  replacement.  Whether  caused
            intentionally or accidentally, such problems are often the result of incorrect operating procedures. Accordingly, the question of how
            to ensure data integrity has become a pressing issue for analysis laboratories.
            In addition to the sophisticated security functions provided in the previous version, LabSolutions DB/CS version 6.50 includes a new
            Report  Set  function  that  enables  the  visibility  of  software  operations.  Therefore,  not  only  can  it  help  ensure  the  reliability  of  the
            analysis data required by analysis laboratories but, it can also cut decrease the amount of time needed to check analysis results to a
            half of or a third of that previously required.

            Keywords: data integrity, Report Set

            1.  Data Modification                                In that form, the following was included as "OBSERVATION 1."
            1. Data Modification
                                                                 OBSERVATION 1
            A recent topic related to analytical data is the lack of data integrity
            due to data modification and replacement. Whether caused inten-  "... The Quality Unit failed to: review electronic data as part of batch re-
            tionally or accidentally, such problems are often the result of in-  lease, review computer audit trails in the Waters Empower Data Acqui-
            correct operating procedures. Accordingly, the question of how to   sition System and provide adequate training to analytical chemists. ..."
            ensure data integrity has become a pressing issue for analysis lab-  This indicates that the chromatography data system is being called into
            oratories.                                           question.

                                                                 The form also included the following.
                Actual Pharmaceutical Company
            2. Actual Pharmaceutical Company                     • OOS results were substituted with passing results by Analysts and Su-
                Case                                              pervisors.
            The FDA (the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) currently issues   • Changed chromatogram headers by cutting and pasting, so during
            a large number of warning letters and Form FDA 483s related to   review all sample injections would appear to be in sequence. ..."
            data integrity. These notifications have reportedly been triggered by   This indicates that:
            a case of fraud committed by a generic drug manufacturer based in   • Non-conforming test results were replaced with passing results and
            the state of New Jersey in the United States. An FDA audit of an
            actual  pharmaceutical  company  in  2005  revealed  inconsistencies   • Chromatogram headers were modified by cutting and pasting.
            between paper-based and electronic data at the analysis laboratory
            and revealed that non-conforming test results were never investi-
                                                                 4. FDA Response
            gated.  Consequently,  the  company  halted  shipments,  recalled  all   4.  FDA Response
            products, and stopped manufacturing. Furthermore, they withdrew   According to the GMP News  report from the ECA , the FDA re-
            seven generic drug applications. Then, after filing bankruptcy in Oc-  sponded to the above case as follows.
            tober 2005, they were purchased later that year by a different phar-
            maceutical company. The chairman and CEO resigned and four re-  Triggered by the cases of fraud at Able Laboratories in 2005, the re-
                                                                 quirements for audits of data integrity during FDA Pre-Approval in-
            sponsible persons were accused of criminal activity.  1), 2), 3)
                                                                 spections have been set in the Compliance Programme Guide (CPG)
                                                                 7346.832. Moreover, FDA's inspectors have been explicitly trained on
            3. Form FDA 483                                      computer systems and the data they contain.
                Form FDA 483
            The FDA issued Form FDA 483 to Able Laboratories and posted it on
            the FDA website. 1)

            1  Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division                                                           1
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