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Table 1  Typical Data Integrity Compliance                                                                                                    Table 2  Innovative Data Integrity Compliance
                                                   Chromatography                    Spectroscopy  *1                                                                                                              Chromatography and Spectroscopy
                                             (Data Acquisition and Management)  (Data Management)  (Data Acquisition)                                                                                              (Data Acquisition and Management)
                               Acquisition             Yes                   —                     Yes                                                                                               Acquisition             Yes
              Data                                                                                                                                                                 Data
                               Management              Yes                      Yes * 2             —                                        Innovation                                              Management              Yes
              Audit Trail (Metadata)                   Yes                   —                        Yes * 2                                                                      Audit Trail (Metadata)                      Yes * 4
              Users                                    Yes                      Yes * 3               Yes * 3                                                                      Users                                     Yes
              Security                                 Yes                   Yes                   Yes                                                                             Security                                  Yes
              Time (Time Stamp)                                              Yes                                                                                                   Time (Time Stamp)                         Yes
                                              • Requires two servers, one for chromatography and one for spectroscopy.
                                              • Requires three types of software:  (1) For chromatography data acquisition and management                                                                           • One server
              Remarks                                              (2) For spectroscopy data management                                                                            Remarks                          • One software program * 5
                                                                   (3) For spectroscopy data acquisition                                                                                                            • Compatible with electronic data
                                              • Not compatible with electronic data
            *1:  This table is based on a case of using a data management system to manage spectroscopy data that differs from the brand of the spectroscopy system.              *4:  Spectroscopy data and audit trail data can be reviewed and managed in a unified manner.
            *2:  In this example, spectroscopy data and audit trail data cannot be reviewed and managed in a unified manner.            LC    GC      UV      FT-IR      RF       *5:  In this case, "one software program" means all the elements indicated in Fig. 1 can be managed
            *3:  In this example, users that acquire spectroscopy data cannot be managed in the same manner as users that manage spectroscopy data.                                  in a unified manner.

                           ning Letters
            2. FDA W
                                                                 4. Obstacles for Ensuring Data
                                                                                                                                                                                           6. Procedure for Using LabSolutions
            2. FDA Warning Letters                               4. Obstacles for Ensuring Data                                       Due  to  the  current  attention  on  data  integrity,  focus  has  shifted   6. Procedure for Using LabSolutions
                                                                    Integrity Compliance for
                                                                                                                                                                                              to Create a Report Set for
                                                                      Integrity Compliance for                                        toward  providing  evidence  to  reviewers  that  no  improper  opera-       to Create a Report Set for
            The FDA website includes several examples of warning letters for                                                          tions were performed with respect to analytical results. However,
                                                                    Spectroscopy Systems:
                                                                                                                                                                                              Spectroscopy Systems
            spectroscopy systems that show how warning letters are now being        Spectroscopy Systems:                             this approach represents a policy of punishing any practice that ap-       Spectroscopy Systems
                                                                    Audit Trail and User Management
            issued specifically for UV and IR systems. (See below.)       Audit Trail and User Management                                                                                  The procedure for creating a report set for spectroscopy systems cor-
                                                                                                                                      pears  suspicious,  which  is  a  major  departure  from  the  approach
                                                                 As illustrated in Fig. 1, compliance is based on Good Manufactur-                                                         responds to the procedure for chromatography systems, so the report
                                                                                                                                      used  in  previous  investigations.   This  approach  applies  to  both
            • Warning Letter—Example (1)  6)                     ing Practice (GMP), which is premised on the validation of systems   chromatography and spectroscopy systems, which means the con-  set can be created using the same simple operations for both types of
                                                                 and analytical methods. Furthermore, data, audit trail (metadata),                                                        systems. As shown in Fig. 2, the procedure steps are (1) select the de-
            In  response  to  this  letter,  provide  details  of  your  retrospective                                                ventional approach cannot be used to ensure appropriate compli-
                                                                 and user operations must be correctly time-stamped in a secure                                                            sired files, (2) right-click on the files and click [Create Report Set] on
            review of the HPLC and other laboratory data, such as Fourier trans-                                                      ance.
                                                                 environment. If a laboratory has both chromatography and spec-                                                            the  right-click  menu,  and  (3)  complete  the  report  set.  Completed
            form infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography, UV spectropho-
                                                                 troscopy systems, the elements shown in Fig. 1 apply to both chro-   5. Innovative Data Integrity                         report sets are automatically stored in a database to prevent replac-
                                                                                                                                      5. Innovative Data Integrity
            tometry, and (b)(4) analyzer data.
                                                                 matography and spectroscopy systems, such that compliance with           Compliance                                       ing, altering, destroying, or otherwise tampering with the data.
                                                                 data integrity requirements results in the complicated operations                                                         When a report set is created, it generates an electronic link between
            • Warning Letter—Example (2)  7)                     indicated in Table 1.                                                Therefore, considering that data integrity compliance for spectros-
                                                                                                                                      copy systems could present a major obstacle for operating analytical   the electronic data and the report set, which also automatically dis-
            You lacked controls to prevent the unauthorized manipulation of   Typical systems retain audit trail data (metadata) within the spec-  laboratories in a regulated environment, there is a need for an inno-  ables (locks) editing the electronic data. That means editing or oth-
            your laboratory’s electronic raw data. Specifically, your infrared (IR)   troscopy data acquisition system as indicated in Table 1, but cannot   vative approach to ensuring data integrity that solves such prob-  erwise tampering with electronic data can be prevented after re-
            spectrometer did not have access controls to prevent deletion or al-  manage  spectroscopy  and  audit  trail  data  in  a  unified  manner.   lems. That is exactly what LabSolutions achieves.  ports are created.
            teration of raw data.                                (That means the data cannot be managed in a linked state.) The
                                                                                                                                      LabSolutions takes full advantage of Shimadzu's unique position as   In this case, electronic signatures can be used not only for review-
                                                                 same  applies  to  the  user  management.  Typical  systems  cannot                                                       ing and approving report sets, but also for reviewing and approv-
            3. Data Integrity Compliance for
            3. Data Integrity Compliance for                     manage data management users and data acquisition users in a         a developer and manufacturer of a wide variety of analytical instru-  ing the electronic data (analytical results) on which report sets are
                        oscopy Systems
                 Spectroscopy Systems                            unified manner.                                                      ments. Therefore, Shimadzu is able to offer a unique solution for
                                                                                                                                      data integrity compliance that is not limited to chromatography sys-  based.  Using  electronic  signatures  also  eliminates  the  need  to
            So, what sort of compliance is required for ensuring the integrity of      GMP                                            tems, but can also comprehensively include UV and IR systems and   print out and sign reports manually and enables a paperless opera-
            data from spectroscopy systems?                                                                                           other spectroscopy systems in the LabSolutions family. (See Table   tion,  which  eliminates  the  need  for  redundant  management  of
            In terms of the form of the data, spectroscopy data are considered   Data                                                 2.)                                                  both electronic and paper records. That also solves the problems
            dynamic data, as indicated in the FDA and WHO excerpts on the                       Security                              In other words, Shimadzu successfully integrated operations for en-  associated with paper records, such as replacement, alteration, or
            previous page, just like it is for chromatography data. Therefore,   Audit trail    Time                                  suring data integrity by deploying the LabSolutions Report Set func-  disposal of records.
            presumably a key point for compliance will be ensuring equivalence                  stamp                                 tion ,  which  received  excellent  reviews  for  ensuring  compliance   Additionally, as shown in Fig. 2, data lines are color-coded when
            with chromatography systems.                                                                                              with data integrity requirements for chromatography systems, for   electronically approved, so they can be easily differentiated from re-
                                                                                                                                                                                           maining data that has not been reviewed or approved. That ensures
                                                                                                                                      use in ensuring data integrity compliance for spectroscopy systems.
                                                                                                SOP                                   A key feature of the report set is that it includes all the information   orphan data can be identified easily, just as it can be for chromatog-
                                                                                                                                                                                           raphy systems.
                                                                                     Validation                                       necessary for validating data integrity, as shown in Fig. 2, step (3)
                                                                                                                                      Complete a set of reports.
                                                                         Fig. 1  Illustration of Data Integrity Compliance
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