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 2-3.  Quality Assessment Studies: Outputting Results from Analytical Method Validation
 2-3.   Quality Assessment Studies: Outputting Results fr om Analytical Method V alidation
 Analytical method validation is an important task specified in ICH   resents deviation of mean (measured) concentration from the the-
 guidelines  that  is  used  to  demonstrate  the  validity  of  an  assay   oretical value, and precision represents relative standard deviation   Improving Ef ciency in the Preparation of
 method. Analytical method validation involves verifying the accu-  from (measured) concentration. Precision is expressed in terms of   Technical
 racy, precision, specificity, detection limits, quantifications limits,  intra-assay  precision  (repeatability)  and  within-laboratory  repro-  Test Reports for Chemistry, Manufacturing,
 linearity, and range of an analytical method. As with dissolution   ducibility (intermediate precision).  Report
 testing,  Excel  is  often  used  during  analytical  method  validation   Fig. 7 shows a report on detection limits. A detection limit is calcu-  and Control (CMC) Using Multi Data Report
 since results must be calculated with formulas. Component area   lated based on standard deviation (σ), which is the error distribu-
 data and concentration data obtained from chromatograms must   tion of measured values, and the slope (S) of the standard curve for
 be transcribed by hand into Excel — a time-consuming task that   concentration near the limit of detection.  Satoru Watanabe  and Tadayuki Yamaguchi 1
 comes with the risk of error.
 LOD = 3.3σ/S
 This article describes an example in which the Multi Data Report
 function is used to accurately incorporate all analytical method val-  There are two methods of calculating standard deviation (σ). The
 idation parameters in full, offering a huge improvement in valida-  standard deviation can be calculated as the residual error of a re-  Abstract:
 tion work efficiency.  gression curve, or as the standard deviation of measured values at   In  order  to  demonstrate  the  quality  of  pharmaceutical  products,  pharmaceutical  manufacturers  must  perform  process  studies  into  the
 concentration zero as estimated from a regression curve. This arti-
 Fig.  6  shows  a  report  on  accuracy  and  precision.  Accuracy  rep-  active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and studies into the pharmaceutical preparation process, and quality assessment for both of these
 cle shows results calculated using both methods.
            as part of their chemistry, manufacturing, and control (CMC) activities. HPLC is used widely in such investigations for reaction tracing and
            impurity  identiÿcation  in  API  process  studies,  uniformity  testing,  and  dissolution  testing  in  pharmaceutical  preparation  development
            studies, and for analytical method validation in assay development for quality assessment studies.
            The results of these studies must be tabulated according to the objectives and summarized in reports. It is often the case that these results
            are copied into Excel or similar software before a report is created. This article describes three examples of how the LabSolutions Multi
            Data Report feature is used in pharmaceutical development studies.
            (1) API process studies: Outputting scouting results for chiral compounds
            (2) Pharmaceutical preparation development studies: Outputting trend plots for dissolution testing
            (3) Quality assessment studies: Outputting results from analytical method validation

            Keywords: LabSolutions DB/CS, Multi Data Report, analytical method validation, method scouting, dissolution testing

            1. Introduction
            LabSolutions offers a Multi Data Report function that can combine   The Multi Data Report function uses report templates that allow for-
            multiple types of analytical data and create an Excel-like report. Using   mulas similar to Excel to be included, so report formats previously used
            this function provides substantial efficiency improvements during the   in Excel can be used in the Multi Data Report function. Report tem-
            preparation of test reports for CMC.                 plates are managed securely in the LabSolutions database, and the
            Although  Excel  has  long  been  used  to  create  these  reports,  this   change history for report templates can be saved as an audit trail.
            method requires the manual copying of analytical data, which is both   When reports are created using the Multi Data Report function, they
 Fig. 6  Accuracy and Precision Report  Fig. 7  Detection Limit Report  labor-intensive and can introduce errors. Excel document change con-  are populated with analytical results in a seamless process that saves
            trol is also often left to the individual operator, which introduces the   on labor and prevents the introduction of transcription errors when
 3. Conclusion  risk of multiple templates existing simultaneously, and the possibility of   Excel is used, thus enabling substantial improvements in data reliability
 3. Conclusion
                                                                 and work efficiency to be achieved.
            tampering with formulas or results.
 This article has described how the Multi Data Report function can   ages the adoption of paperless procedures and the computeriza-
 be  used  to  achieve  substantial  efficiency  improvements  during   tion of documentation control of reports during pharmaceutical   LabSolutions Database
 the creation of test reports for CMC by outputting trend plots for   development. It also allows quality test data to be used and man-
 chiral compound scouting and dissolution testing, and by saving   aged over the long term while helping pharmaceutical lifecycle   Data 1  Data 2  Data 3  Data 1  Data 2  Data 3
 time during analytical method validation.  management (the strategy of maximizing total sales of pharma-  Conc.  Conc.  3.019  2.998  3.011
                                                         (mg/L)            (mg/L)
 ceutical products by considering the pharmaceutical product life-  Ave.   Ave.  3.009
 In addition, the use of the Multi Data Report function introduced   (mg/L)  (mg/L)
 in this article, combined with the LabSolutions database, encour-  cycle).
                                            Data         Report Template    Create Report
                       LabSolutions DB
 First Edition: April, 2018

                                  Templdate Editor
                                   • Standard Function Support
                                   • Create Report in Excel-like
                                   • Audit Trail Support

                                              Fig. 1  Outline of the Multi Data Report Function

 © Shimadzu Corporation, 2018  1 Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division                                         1
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