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Report sets consolidate all the necessary information in a single PDF file,   Problem 1 Associated with Printouts
            so that the entire series of operations involved in the analysis (and post-  The significant amount of time needed for analysis report printing, summariza-
            run analysis) are easily visible. With the same feel as an electronic book,   tion, checking, and storage tasks can interfere with daily operations.
            you can check the details while turning the pages. As a result, it is not
            necessary to switch between a number of windows or tabs to check op-
            erations and settings as in the past. In this way, the Report Set function
            reduces the work involved in checking results and ensures reliability.  Problem 2 Associated with Printouts
            «Feature 2»                                          The increasing number of binders required to store printouts can cause storage
                                                  Link           space problems.
            The Series of Analysis Results Is Auto-
            matically Protected Against Modifica-
            Once  a  digital  link  is  created  between  the  series  of  analysis  results     Storage binder
            (electronic data) and the report set for which visibility is being provided,
            editing is automatically disabled (locked). This will help prevent any   Problem 3 Associated with Printouts
            data modification, such as replacing or deleting the analysis results.  Analysis results might be replaced or discarded.
            The digital link created between the data not only ensures a unique
            relationship  between  the  report  set  the  analysis  results  (electronic
            data),  but  it  also  enables  analysis  results  (electronic  data)  to  be
            searched and checked quickly.                                                Replacement  Disposal
            «Feature 3»
            Enhanced Productivity Thanks to Dig-
                                             PDF         OK
            itization of the Confirmation Process
                                                                          Fig. 4  Problems Associated with Printouts
            for the Analysis Results Report              OK
                                                                 Electronic signatures can be used for report set review and approval
            The Report Confirmation function can be      OK
                                                Electronic signature  processes, with the original source electronic data (analysis results data)
            used to retain evidence that the content             also being reviewed and approved at the same time. Using electronic
            of the chromatogram report included in the PDF file was reviewed. This   signatures means electronically signed reports do not necessarily need
            evidence can be left anywhere in the chromatogram report in the   to be printed out and signed by hand. Consequently, migrating to a
            same way as with printouts. A confirmation assistant function is includ-  paperless work flow can solve the problems associated with printouts
            ed to ensure content reliability by emitting an error to provide notifica-  (see Fig. 4) and reduce the time required to check various results by one
            tion of unchecked items.
                                                                 half to a third of that previously required.
                                                                 The Report Set function is included in LabSolutions, which increases
                                                                 CSV efficiency because a separate validation process is not necessary.
            1) ORA FOIA Electronic Reading Room. July 6, 2005.
     , (accessed March 7, 2016).
            2) R. D. McDowall. Quality Assurance Journal. 2006. Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 15–20, doi:10.1002/qaj.357.,
               (accessed March 7, 2016).
            3) FDA. U.S. Department of Justice Press Release. March 8, 2007., (accessed March 7, 2016).
            4) (Note: The ECA (European Compliance Academy) is a non-profit organization established in the EU in 1999 that
               provides GMP training and conferences for the pharmaceutical industry. About 4000 members of it are from over 60 countries, mainly in Europe.)
            5) ECA. “Data Integrity: New Inspection Focus of the FDA”. GMP News. February 25, 2015.
     , (accessed March 7, 2016).
            6) Paul Smith. “Data Integrity in the Analytical Laboratory”. Pharmaceutical Technology. May 2, 2014.
     , (accessed March 7, 2016).
            7) Keiko Bansho. Chapter 5 Operations and Management for Paper-Based and Electronic Data for Compliance with Regulations by the Three Authorities. Recording and
               Managing Data and Migration to Digitization at Laboratories Based on the Issues Raised by the Three Authorities. Science & Technology, May 15, 2015, pp. 127−146

                                                                                                   First Edition: December, 2016

                                                                                                   © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
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