Page 67 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 67

2-2. Simultaneous Quantitation of Main                    Area (×10 ) 6
                    Component and Minor Impurities                     30  Correlation factor
            This section demonstrates the use of i-DReC to simultaneously quan-
            tify a relatively high concentration major component in a pharma-
            ceutical sample and the relatively low concentration impurities.
            Samples in which the concentration of the main component ranged                  Correction
                                                                                             by i-DReC
            from 0.01 g/L to 1 g/L where analyzed using the SPD-M30A photodi-
            ode array detector equipped with the high sensitivity cell. Fig. 4
            shows the calibration curve for the main component based on peak
            area in the extracted chromatogram at 250 nm.                                  Original
                             Analytical Conditions                     5
              Pump        : Shimadzu LC-30AD×2
              Detection   : Shimadzu SPD-M30A
              Column oven  : Shimadzu CTO-20AC                         0
              Controller  : Shimadzu CBM-20Alite                          0    0.25    0.5    0.75     1
              Autosampler  : Shimadzu SIL-30AC                                                      Conc. (g/L)
              Column      : Shimadzu Shim-pack XR-ODS                     (a) Calibration curve of the main component
                            (150 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D., 2.2 µm)
              Mobile phase A  : 5% MeCN + 0.05% TFA
              Mobile phase B  : 95% MeCN + 0.05% TFA                   Error (%)
              Time program  : 2% (0–1.2 min)     2–98% (1.2–8.9 min)   4
                            98% (8.9–10.8 min)     98–2% (10.8–11.1 min)
                                STOP (14 min)                          2
              Flow rate   : 1 mL/min
              Column temp.  : 40 °C
              Sampling    : 160 msec                                   0  0     0.25   0.5    0.75     1
              Slit width  : 8 nm
              Time constant  : 160 msec                                -2
              Wavelength range  : 190 nm-700 nm
              Cell light path  : 85 mm                                 -4
              Injection volume  : 1 µL
                                                                            (b) Error of corrected calibration points
            As shown in Fig. 4a, calibration points for concentrations above
                                                                                Fig. 4  Linearity evaluation
            0.5 g/L deviate from linear relationship. In this example, 280 nm
            was selected manually as the wavelength for correction, and the
            spectrum used for sensitivity correction was extracted at an inten-  mAU                250 nm, 4 nm
            sity of 200 mAU. The absorption ratio was calculated and used to   100
            correct the peak areas and extend the linear dynamic range of the                 Main
            calibration curve, resulting in a correlation factor R of 0.9996726   75
            weighted by 1/(concentration)  over the concentration range of
            0.01 g/L to 1 g/L.                                        50               Imp3
            Fig. 4b shows the error in concentration values obtained by in-
            verse estimation using the i-DReC corrected calibration curve with   25
            weighting of 1/(concentration)  is within 4%. The reproducibility   Imp1
            of the peak area (n=6) of the main component and impurities, as   0
            well as the peak area ratio between the main component and im-  3.5  4.0  4.5   5.0     5.5    6.0
            purities, is shown in Table 2. An example chromatogram for the                                 min
            sample is shown in Fig. 5. In this example, i-DReC was only ap-  mAU
            plied to correct the peak area of the main component, which pro-  20
            vided a saturated signal at 250 nm.                                                                Main
             Table 2  Peak area reproducibility of the pharmaceutical sample  10  Imp1     Imp2  Imp3
                       Retention   Mean Area  Area  Area
                       Time(min)  (µAUsec)  %RSD  Ratio(%)
                        4.634   31,123,746  0.06    --
                                                                       4.0  4.1   4.2  4.3   4.4   4.5  4.6
                        5.448    925,522  0.12     2.974
                        3.900     64,161  0.08     0.206
                        4.910     32,810  0.15     0.105             Fig. 5  Chromatogram of the pharmaceutical sample
                        5.091     15,103  0.16     0.049
                        4.487      9,487  0.26     0.030         As shown in Table 2, i-DReC correction provided peak area repro-
                        4.226      7,981  0.28     0.026         ducibility of 0.06% RSD for peak 1, the main component. Peak
                        4.975      7,981  0.44     0.026
                        4.056      2,001  0.27     0.006         area reproducibility for impurity peak 3 (Imp3), whose peak area
                        4.331      2,440  0.85     0.008         was 0.005% of the main component, was less than 1%.
                        4.376      1,663  0.65     0.005
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