Page 64 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
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            (3) To Avoid Recognizing Long-Period Undulations as Peaks
               [Maximum Half Width]
            The maximum half width, which is the opposite of the minimum half
            width, is a parameter that can be specified to ignore larger peaks as
            baseline undulations. For example, Fig. 10 shows baseline drift ap-                                                       Technical                    A New Peak Integration Algorithm for
            pearing as a large baseline bulge that could be recognized as a peak.
            This undulation can be removed by specifying a maximum FWHM.                                                              Report                       LabSolutions

                                                                     0.95  1.00     min      0.95   1.00    min
                                                                 [Unify Peaks by Shoulder Ratio] Not conÿgured  [Unify Peaks by Shoulder Ratio] = 0.01 (%)
                                                                                                                                                                   Yusuke Osaka , Shinji Kanazawa , Hiroaki Kozawa , Etsuho Kamata  1
                                                                 Fig. 12  Example of Setting a Threshold for Recognizing Shoulder Peaks
                                                                 4. Customizable Default Values
                                                                 4. Customizable Default V
               0.0    5.0       min   0.0    5.0      min                                                                             Abstract:
               [Maximum Half Width] Not conÿgured  [Maximum Half Width] = 20 (sec)  The i-PeakFinder parameters can be configured as the default values
                   Fig. 10  Example Con guration of Maximum FWHM  of methods. For example, if a user decides to use vertical division as   The time required to analyze large quantities of data obtained from the increasingly quick analyses and increasingly prevalent simultaneous
                                                                 the peak-baseline type, specifying vertical division as the default set-  multicomponent analyses in recent years has become a challenging issue. In addition, the strengthening of regulations associated with data
            (4) To Unify Fused Peaks into a Single Peak          ting can omit the effort involved in adjusting the parameter for each   integrity has given rise to demands for automated and simpliÿed  manual methods for integrating the areas of problematic chromatogram
               [Unify Peaks by Separation Width]                 new analysis. LabSolutions is an integrated workstation capable of   peaks. Herein, we introduce a new peak integration algorithm for LabSolutions, i-PeakFinder, which is designed to resolve these issues.
            The minimum half width setting is used to avoid mistakenly recogniz-  controlling  a  range  of  different  instrument  models.  However,  the
            ing noise as peaks, while unifying peaks by separation factor is used   HPLC and GC systems occasionally require different default peak in-  Keywords: Data processing, peak integration, algorithm
            to combine fused peaks into a single peak. Fig. 11 shows three fused   tegration settings. Accordingly, default settings can be specified for
            peaks. Configuring this setting will unify the two side peaks into the   each type of instrument (Fig. 13).
            larger peak. Note that this setting is only effective for baseline inter-
            vals containing fused peak.
                                                                                                                                      1. Introduction
                                                                                                                                      1. Intr  oduction                                    der and main peaks using traditional peak integration methods, i-Peak-
                                                                                                                                                                                           Finder can automatically detect shoulder peaks while maintaining con-
                                                                                                                                      i-PeakFinder, a new peak integration algorithm for LabSolutions, is a   sistent peak detection sensitivity throughout the entire chromatogram.
                                                                                                                                      completely automated integration function that can detect peaks with   In general, it is difÿcult to automatically detect considerably small shoul-
                                                                                                                                      high levels of accuracy without requiring special parameter adjust-  der peaks, as shown in Fig. 2; however, i-PeakFinder can even detect
                                                                                                                                      ments.  In  addition,  this  algorithm  has  adjustable  parameters  that   such peaks automatically based on the threshold judgment.
                                                                                                                                      allow the integration function to be applied to a wide range of com-
                                                                                                                                      plex chromatogram patterns. Furthermore, the adjustable parameters
                                                                                                                                      allow to output highly accurate peak integration results from large
                                                                                                                                      quantities of data, even for batch analysis.
                                                                                                                                      2. Features of i-PeakFinder
                 8.1     9.0   min        8.1    9.0   min                                                                            2. Featur   es of i-PeakFinder
            [Unify Peaks by Separation Width] Not conÿgured  [Unify Peaks by Separation Width] = 2
                                                                                                                                      With Shimadzu's traditional peak integration methods or competitor
                     Fig. 11  Example of Unifying Unresolved Peaks
                                                                            Fig. 13  The Default Settings Window                      methods, some complex chromatograms require time programming in
            (5) To Decide Whether to Recognize Shoulder Peaks                                                                         addition  to  the  typical  parameter  adjustments  for  peak  integration.
               [Unify Peaks by Shoulder Ratio]                                                                                        However,  i-PeakFinder  can  perform  peak  integration  of  these  chro-  Highly accurate detection of shoulder peaks
                                                                 5. Summary
            When impurities were fused as shoulder peaks at the base of a main   5. Summary                                           matograms just with simple parameter adjustments. This peak inte-
            component peak, the traditional peak integration method required                                                          gration function has the following features:
            time programming or manual peak integration to detect the shoulder   i-PeakFinder,  a  new  peak  integration  algorithm  developed  by  Shi-
            peak. i-PeakFinder allows easy detection of shoulder peaks and also   madzu, can perform either automated peak integration or peak inte-  • Highly accurate detection of shoulder peaks
            allows the user to decide whether to recognize (or not) impurity peaks   gration with simple settings adjustments, even for cases in which the   • Simple adjustment of peak-baseline processing
            based on a threshold ratio of the main component peak height to the   traditional peak integration method requires time programming or   • Improved peak-baseline positioning that results in improved reproducibility
            shoulder peak tangential height. Fig. 12 shows an example of shoul-  manual  peak  integration  for  individual  data  sets.  i-PeakFinder  also   • Performing accurate peak integration even with variabilities caused
            der  peak  detection  implemented  without  time  programming  or   allows the user to easily configure the peak-baseline type and per-  by baseline drift
            manual peak integration and an example of using the threshold value   form accurate peak integration of small peaks.                                                             Peak detection at low S/N levels  Automatic determination of
            to unify the shoulder peak with the main component peak. Configur-  Furthermore, i-PeakFinder can quickly and easily process large quanti-  Shimadzu also emphasizes on compatibility, so LabSolutions can also   baseline undulation and drift
            ing a threshold value can also be used as a condition for deciding   ties of data without errors and improve the efficacy and reliability of   be used with the traditional peak integration methods (Chromatopac
            whether to recognize impurity peaks.                 analytical operations.                                               mode). Switching between the traditional peak integration and
                                                                                                                                      i-PeakFinder  methods  during  analysis  is  easy,  allowing  the  user  to
                                                                                                      First Edition: July, 2017       select an appropriate peak integration method for the circumstances.
                                                                                                                                      This  includes  selecting  a  traditional  method  for  compatibility  with
                                                                                                                                      past data. Fig. 1 shows examples of using the completely automated
                                                                                                                                      integration function to analyze typical peaks.
                                                                                                                                      2-1.  Highly Accurate Detection of                      Automatic tracking of peak  Automatic tracking of noise
                                                                                                                                            Shoulder Peaks                                        width variation         intensity changes

                                                                                                                                      i-PeakFinder  can  accurately  detect  shoulder  peaks.  In  cases  wherein   Fig. 1  i-PeakFinder's Completely Automated Integration Function
                                                                                                                                      manual peak integration is required to distinguish and detect the shoul-

                                                                                                   © Shimadzu Corporation, 2017       1 Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division                                                            1
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