Page 9 - LabSolutions
P. 9

Control and Analysis are Possible from PCs
               Other than the Analysis PC                                                      C S

               With LabSolutions CS, equipment can be
               accessed freely, from any location, while   2F  Laboratory
               maintaining security. For example, before
               starting an analysis, the equipment can be
               operated from a PC in the laboratory.   LabSolutions
               After analysis starts, a PC in the office can   server
               be used to confirm operating status,
               control the equipment, and analyze the
               data. This improves the efficiency of
               analysis status monitoring, equipment
               control, report creation and other              1F  Office

               Visualization of the Sequence of Analysis
               Operations                                                        D B           C S

               Creating a report set* provides visibility of
               the individual analytical operations
               involved in the overall analytical process.    Sample information  Analysis condition
               When analytical operations are visible, it
               is easier to check for operating errors,
               which helps improve the efficiency and
               reliability of checking processes.
                                                                                               Report Set
               * Report sets include test methods and test results for a   Operation history  Results
                series of samples analyzed, and also a corresponding
                operation log (a record of all operating events from   Data File
                login to logout), which are automatically extracted
                from the data and summarized in a single report.

               Electronic Format Improves Efficiency of
               Confirmation Process                                               D B           C S

               A record of checking the report content
               can be included anywhere in the test
               results report, which is output in PDF file.
               Even if a certain element of the report
               was not checked, an error notification
               function notifies the user that the item
               was not checked. Consequently, the
               system also improves the work flow of
               checking processes, which can be
               performed easily on-screen to improve
               efficiency. In addition, the ability to
               perform all processes electronically means
               it supports migration to a paperless

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