Page 13 - LabSolutions
P. 13

Total Support for Regulatory Compliance

               Support Functionality for CSV
               (IQ/OQ Validation)                                                D B           C S

               With conventional LCsolution / GCsolution /   LabSolutions security policy, numerical rounding
               LCMSsolution / GCMSsolution software, CSV procedures   settings, and other system information, as well as user
               involve confirmation and transcription of OS versions   information and equipment information, can be
               and software settings across multiple windows.  integrated for printing from a single window. As a
                 With LabSolutions, Windows  OS security patches   result, operators can confirm this information without
               and other PC and software installation information is   opening a number of settings windows. This reduces
               integrated for display, and can be printed. In addition,   operator mistakes and improves efficiency.

                PC Information Display Window                                  Printing Window for System
                                                                                Management Information

                       PC and software installation information can be integrated for
                                      printing, reducing operator mistakes.

               Configuration Management of Client PC
               LabSolutions Software Not Required                                              C S

               LabSolutions CS is compatible with the Windows    The terminal service function enables remote use of
               terminal service (RemoteApp). Since LabSolutions   LabSolutions software installed on the server. The
               software is not installed on a client PC, this significant-  server-based LabSolutions software can be operated
               ly reduces validation procedures and software   with the usual degree of user friendliness as is.
               upgrades for client PCs.

                                 LabSolutions server


                                                  Operation                Operation

                                                            LabSolutions software validation
                                                            procedures and software upgrades
                                                            are significantly reduced!

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