Page 10 - LabSolutions
P. 10

Comfortable Operating Environment

                     Quickly Search an Enormous Quantity of Data                                     C S

                     It can be inconvenient to search for specific data on a   data management, which means that data can be
                     LabSolutions DB/DB LCMS system, because it involves   browsed from anywhere. In addition, the data
                     viewing data on the same computer normally used for   obtained from the analysis schedule can be looked for
                     analysis.                                     collectively and a wealth of search functions makes it
                       LabSolutions CS provides integrated, server-based   easy to search for data of interest.

                     Capable of Analysis Even When the Server is Down                                C S
                     (LC, GC)

                     With general systems, when the server is down,   recovery, the data from analysis results are saved
                     analysis stops. With LabSolutions CS, even if a problem   automatically in the LabSolutions server via the
                     with the server occurs, analysis can be performed using   acquisition controller PC.
                     the acquisition controller PC. In addition, after server

                                                                       LabSolutions server

                                                                     Peace of mind, as data is
                                              Acquisition controller PC  imported automatically
                                              (operating the analysis
                                               instrument)           after server recovery.

                     Multi-Data Report Creation                                        D B           C S

                     In addition to the normal analysis report creation   other standard tests as standard. The operational
                     function, LabSolutions CS and DB / DB LCMS offers the   environment is the same as for Excel , making it easy
                     multi-data report creation function that allows the   to prepare report formats for various standard tests. In
                     user to prepare reports with combined data from   addition, this function supports automatic report
                     various instruments. It provides report templates for   printing and automatic generation of PDF files.
                     system conformance, content uniformity, elution, and

                                        Multi-data report software is available as an option. For details, contact your Shimadzu representative.
                      Example of the Function Used with Scheduled Analysis

                                                      Select Report Template

                                                               After Analysis


                                        Batch Analysis Window            Automatically print reports and create PDF files.

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