Page 5 - LabSolutions
P. 5

LabSolutions CS
               Freely Accessible to the Analysis Network

               Since all analytical data is managed in the database of a server   Recommended for the following customers
               computer, LabSolutions CS can read data from any personal   Facilities with a large number of instruments
               computer on a network. In addition, it allows users to perform   and users
               instrument monitoring and control from a personal computer   Facilities interested in enhancing managerial
               (client PC) not connected to the instruments. Furthermore, it   efficiency
               allows direct control of another vendor’s LCs and GCs.   Facilities interested in controlling other vendor’s
                 Moreover, client PC functions are performed on a server and   instruments from the same software.
               client PCs corresponding to a Windows  terminal service do not
               need to install LabSolutions software.                Facilities interested in enhancing procedural
                 Lastly, LabSolutions CS is compatible with Citrix Virtual Apps
               and can perform more advanced server management.      Facilities where existing PCs can be used as client

                    LabSolutions server  * 4  Laboratory or office  Tablet  * 3       Client  * 2

                        * 1

                                                                                EDX   TOC-V    AA
                         LC    GC         Agilent LC, GC   Thermo LC, GC
                                                                               Combine with
                                                                               Multi-Data Registration License
                                                                               to enable integrated management
                                                                               of these instruments’ data.

                      LCMS        GCMS      FTIR      UV      RF     TA

                                                                               A instrument  B instrument
                                                                               Combine with
                                                                               Multi-Data Registration License
                    Balance   PPSQ™   ICPMS   Particle Size  AG   TOC-L        to enable integrated management

                      *1  ACQ (Acquisition control) PC controls analytical instruments.
                         It can also be used to send analytical instructions and perform postrun analysis, just like a client PC.
                      *2  If a terminal service is used, then LabSolutions software does not need to be installed on client PCs.
                      *3  If an iPad is used, then Virtual Apps from Citrix must be installed.
                      *4  It works on Amazon Cloud (Amazon EC2). Please contact Shimadzu representatives for more information.

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