Page 7 - LabSolutions
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Solutions by LabSolutions

                       Provides a Comfortable Operating Environment

                          Integrates LC, GC, LCMS and GCMS software.
                          Integrates management of a variety of analytical instruments.
                          The equipment operating status in a network is available at a glance.
                          Provides visibility for a series of analytical process.
                          Electronic format improves efficiency of confirmation processes.
                          Control and analysis are possible from PCs other than the analysis PC.
                          An enormous quantity of data can be quickly searched.
                          Analysis is possible for LC and GC even when the server is down.
                          Automatic creation of spreadsheet format reports (multi-data report creation)

                       Safe and Secure Data Management

                          Database management prevents mistakes.
                          Solid security
                          Interface supports linking to an LIMS system.

                       More Efficient Managerial Procedures

                          System information, including data and users, is integrated
                          with a server.
                          Pertinent information is managed for every project.

                       Total Support for Regulatory Compliance

                          Support functionality for CSV* (IQ/OQ validation) procedures
                          With terminal service, the configuration management of
                          LabSolutions software in a client PC is unnecessary.
                          Support creating documents

               * CSV: Computerized System Validation

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