Page 4 - LabSolutions
P. 4


                     LabSolutions DB
                     Secure Data Management with a PC

                     LabSolutions DB integrates a data management function   Recommended for the following customers
                     with LabSolutions LC/GC and is compliant with the ER/ES   Facilities with only a few instruments (maximum of three
                     Regulations. It is optimally configured for customers   units/PCs)
                     using a PC.
                                                                      Facilities where network connections are not required
                                                                      Facilities interested in ER/ES compliance and limited to
                                                                      stand-alone systems

                            LC          GC                 LCMS                GCMS              TOC

                          *1  With LabSolutions DB, up to 4 Instruments (LC, GC) can be connected for simultaneous use.
                          *2  With LabSolutions DB LCMS/GCMS, one instrument at max. can be connected for simultaneous use.

                     LabSolutions CS  i-Package
                     Install a server in the same manner as a computer

                     LabSolutions CS i-Package includes all the items necessary   Recommended for the following customers
                     for building a network easily in one convenient package.  Facilities with only a few instruments (10 or fewer per
                       Using it to configure a closed network inside the   computer)
                     laboratory significantly reduces the work involved in   Customers that want to manage instruments centrally
                     managing the server.                             from the server


                                           ACQ                 Client PC      ACQ


                          * ACQ (Acquisition control) PC controls analytical instruments.

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