Page 11 - LabSolutions
P. 11

Safe and Secure Data Management

               Database Management Prevents Mistakes                             D B           C S

               With LabSolutions DB and CS, the analysis data is   analysis is performed using the acquired data, postrun
               managed securely by the database. Overwriting,   analysis data revision numbers are automatically
               deletion and other mistakes typical of data file   assigned, preventing the accidental overwriting of raw
               management do not occur. In addition, when postrun   data. It is easy to display earlier data.

                                          Analysis          Postrun           Postrun
                                                Revision number: 1  Revision number: 2  Revision number: 3

                                                          Reduces operator mistakes.

               Solid Security                                                    D B           C S

               Allows setting up an audit trail to ensure the reliability of
               data and document e-mail transmission functions when any   Security Policy
               event occurs in the system.
                 User accounts are managed using passwords, where
               password length, complexity and term of validity must satisfy
               specified requirements. It is also possible to set lockout
               functions to prevent illegal access, and set a registered user’s
               deletion and change.
                 In addition, a box can be selected to prevent overwriting a
               data file, and outputting an item to a report can also be

               Interface Supports Linking to LIMS System                         D B           C S

               The software includes an interface for linking to a laboratory information management system (LIMS). That means
               measurement results do not need to be entered manually to a host system, which should help avoid human errors,
               improve work efficiency, and improve data reliability.
               Note: An additional license is required to enable the LIMS interface. Contact Shimadzu for further details.

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